10- Delusions

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Christian POV
The next day

"Okay okay I'm coming Jordan." I said testing the milk on the inside of my hand.

Jordan has been crying for 45 minutes straight for food. It took me 5 YouTube videos to learn how to make a bottle but I finally got it.
I lightly bounced him on my hip as I gave him the bottle. Good thing he was big enough to hold his own bottle.

"Damn I need to get more baby formula." I said to myself.

Jordan had finally stopped crying and was fighting sleep. I just smiled I knew this was going to be hard but I already loved the little man. I'll raise him as my own no questions about it. I just need to get all the legal stuff done. I strapped him in his car seat and headed for my car.

"There you go little man nice and snug." I said turning to get in the front when I spotted Sapphire's car still in the lot.

"What the fuck why is her car still here?" I thought aloud. I walked over to her car and it was empty. I called her 3 times and no answer.

Maybe it's not her car I thought to myself. I looked closer and saw a chain hanging from the rear view mirror with her name in gold letters.

"Someone has my Queen!" I yelled frustrated . "I guess it's time to go back to my old ways."

Queen POV

I woke up in a small dark room tied to a  wooden chair. I scanned my surroundings and it looks like a small basement. I tried to pull at the rope holding me in place but it was no use.

I heard the door opening and in stepped a tall dark skin girl with big curly hair.

"So your the girl Christian left my sister for?" She barked at me.

"Look I have no idea who your sister is but I suggest you let me go now or I promise you I will end you." I threaten unfazed.

"Ouuuu I'm sooo scared." She shot back laughing hard.

She must not know who the fuck I am.

"It's simple really you either kill me or when I get out I kill you. Which is it gonna be?" I said flatly wanting to get this over with.

"Oh sweetheart I don't want a target on my back. I need you alive anyway and by the time I'm done with you your gonna want to help me kill Christian." She sneered rolling her eyes. I hope them shits get stuck.

"Why would I ever want to kill him? Yet alone help the crazy chick that kidnapped me." I replied honestly I'm interested in seeing what delusion she was suffering from.

"Well he was a ruthless killer back home. Whole families would be killed off because people crossed him. He even killed my sister then "found God" and left. It was hard to find him but I did. Now he will pay. You see why we should kill him he deserves to suffer for what he has done." She finished with a hurt look written all over her face.

"I hate to break it to you but I have literally done everything he has done. I chop people up an fed them to my beautiful lions so that's not really a reason for me to kill him." I replied.
Damn should I be scared or wet right now. Hearing about the things he did was a turn on for real.

"Well I have to get my revenge for my sister. I need you as bait then you can continue you rain of terror. I'll be back tomorrow to fed you and your gonna tell me everything you know about Christian." She said turning to leave.
"Oh wait I almost forgot." She said snapping a picture and smiling. "I need proof of life." She said finally leaving.

"Yeah this bitch is delusional as fuck her stupid sister just left a whole ass baby at Christians door step." I said out loud.

Christian what the fuck did you get me into.

-Heyyy thanks for reading
I know this is a very short chapter but I had to get this filler in.
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