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Unknown POV

I watched as he kissed on my girl. She doesn't even like dark skin niggas. I watched as he walked her to her car opening the door all gentalmen like and everything.

"Who does this niggas think he is?" I said to myself.

"He is the key to taking Queen down that's who he is." Destiny said with a grin on her face.

"There ain't shit special about him. He not gonna get us no where." I snapped back.

"Don't be sour that she dropped you for him." She replied rolling her eyes.

"I say we just kill him and get it over with." I said pulling out my gun.

"No we need him. The more he is around the softer she gets. Once she let's her guard down we come in and take her empire and her life." She said  evily.

"Fine." I replied nodding my head in agreement.

Christan POV

I watched her pull off but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. I brushed it off and walked inside my club.

The upstairs was my apartment. I unlocked the door and went in feeling  happy.

"I finally got my chance." I said to myself as I layed back in my bed.

"You should really find a better hiding spot for your spare key." A familiar voice said from behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned jumping up.

"I need your help Christian..." Veronica said stepping into the light.

She and I used to be in love. I had proposed and everything only to find out she had been cheating on me the entire time with one of my best friends.

"I don't want anything to do with you!" I yelled opening the front door.

"Please me and the baby have no where to go." She begged.

I looked down at the child that I thought was mine at one point and my heart broke.

"I'll give you enough money for a hotel and food that's it." I said still looking at the beautiful baby boy.

"No I need a safe place to hide him... Dayvion is after me and I need you to protect Landon." She said with tears filling her eyes.

"I'm not talking your baby." I said calmly taking out my wallet and handing her 300 dollars.

"Please your my last hope." She replied lowly.

"Take the money and leave I don't want you showing up here any more either." I said trying to hold my ground.

"Fine. Thank you for the money." She said walking out.

I let out a breath I don't know I was holding. It crushed me to turn away the child but I knew this was one of her games and I wasn't gonna fall for it again. Not now that I had my Queen... I need to focus on her right now.

I laid down again falling into my thoughts of Sapphire. When a knock at my door snapped me out of them.

"I'm coming!" I yelled getting up quickly.

"Hurry up boy!" Queen yelled through the door and my heart stopped then started again.

"Um hey I wasn't expecting you.." I said letting her in.

"That was kinda the point." She said looking around. "This place is actually nice." She continued as she looked around my basic living room.

"It's plain." I said without thinking.

"Yeah but I like it. It's simple but in a good way you know." She replied smiling at me.

"what that smile I see? I have never seen you smile like that before." I questioned pulling her into my arms.

"Wellll I hate to put it like this but I'm horny...and your the only man I know that can make me cum in minutes." She replied licking her lips.

My mans jumped up quicker than I could blink.

"Um wow... so this is a booty call?" I said once I regained my thoughts.

"No. I just..." She began but was cut off my heavy knocking at my door.

"I'll get it." She said turning on her heels before I could stop her.

"Umm Christian who's baby is this?" She yelled.

"What baby?" I said looking over her shoulder.

I know this bitch did not abandon her baby on my door step.

___Heyyyy let me know what you guys think so far🤣.
He got a baby now or wat?😳
Who is out to get Queen?👸🏽
Keep reading to find out 🖤___

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