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Sapphire POV

"Who baby is this?" I said in disbelief.

"I know that bitch did not abandon her damn baby at my door step!" Christian yelled.

The small baby boy was a bit chunky and brown skin. He looked up and smiled at me while sucking on his fingers.  He was a beautiful little boy.

"He is so adorable." I said as I picked him up.

"I know at one point in time I thought he was mine But turns out his mom was not only lying to me but cheating on me the whole time." Christian said lowly more to himself than me.

"Are you sure he's not yours?" I questioned him. I could definitely see Christian being his father.

"Yeah I got a DNA text done as soon as he was born. It hurt me deep that he wasn't mine and that's when I got out the game and took the millions I saved up from trapping to open my club." He said unstrapping the baby.

"I'm sorry Christian... wait there is a note." I said picking it up to read aloud.

Please keep him safe his name is Jordan. I cant give him anything right now. All his paperwork is in the baby bag with the little baby food I had. Please Christian raise him to be strong like you if I keep him I'll get him killed one way or another. Just let him know I love him dearly and I always will.
- I'm sorry

When I was done reading the note I looked up to find Christian holding Jordan smiling brightly. I knew then I had to leave I couldn't stay. Christian was everything I wanted and needed but he deserved more. Not a criminal with insecurities rooted so deep they reached the earths inner core. I had to leave this beautiful man alone. I had to stay focused love gets you killed out here.

"I'm gonna go now." I said quickly turning on my heels heading for the door.

"No please stay. I can't do this without you. Look I know we just meet but I can feel myself falling for you. Your so beautiful and you don't even know it." He replied putting Jordan down and stepping so close to me my back hit the wall.

"I'm not beautiful and I kill people whole families even I'm far from the nurturing type." I said looking down at my feet. I don't know what this man does to me but it's gonna be the death of me.

Christian POV

It's infuriated me that she thought so low of herself and for what? Because of her skin?

"You are beautiful Queen. The most beautiful women I have ever seen. Don't let the world tell you anything different." I semi yelled at her while trapping her. My hands against the wall on either side of her head. I reached out and lifted her chin up so I could look her into her eyes.

"Why would you want me Christian I'm nothing." She said with tears threatening to fall.

"Now you listen to me and you listen good." I said picking her up and carrying her to my bed. She sat in my lap facing me with an eyebrow raised. I had told her this in a dream once now its time for real life.

"The world is conditioned into thinking lighter is better but every black shade is just as beautiful as the next. Why do you think white people want to look like us,talk like us, cook like us? Because we are a beautiful race with an even more beautiful culture." I answered knowing she wouldn't see it my way.

"Then why do I feel like I am less.." she asked looking down at her hands.

"Because you haven't had anyone to show you just how much your worth." I replied pulling her so close that our lips were just centimeters apart.

I kissed her lightly at first but she deepened it making me mans below wake up. I didn't want her to miss the point on my speech so I pulled away.

"Let me be that person for you Queen, let me show you how to love and be loved." I said pressing my forehead to hers looking into her deep brown eyes.

"I don't know Christian... I have never done this before." She replied returning my stare.

"Let me be the first." I said pecking her lips.

" I- I can't Christian I just can't. Your to good for me." She said quickly said getting up from my lap.

"I'm not too good for you! If anything your too good for me." I said the last part softly not wanting to yell at her anymore.

"I just need time to think about things. Meanwhile you have a club and a baby to watch over. Don't waste your time on me it's not worth it." She said giving me one last look before leaving.

"Well fuck my life." I said out loud then realizing there was a baby present I mentally face palmed myself.

"Well little guy looks like it's just me and you." I cooed picking Jordan up."let's put on some classical music so that brain of yours can develop better." I added.

Queen POV

As I walked down the sidewalk it was getting dark fast and I didn't bring my gun. Don't get me wrong I'm a ruthless killer but I still hated waking alone at night.

I pulled out my keys to unlock my car door when I felt something cold and hard hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground with a thud and saw nothing but black.

"That was to easy, for someone who is feared so much it was pretty easy to knock you out." A voice said. "I'm going to have fun taking my revenge on Christian." The voice continued laughing evilly.

-Hey loves I know this update took literal months to do but I decided to finish the book so more updates will soon come.
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