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Sapphire POV
unedited 🙃
I woke up still tied to the wooden chair I honestly don't know how I feel asleep this uncomfortable. I don't know how long I was out the room I was in was completely windowless room so it could have been days or even just a day. I soon heard the door start to open and in walked the same tall dark skin woman with a tray of food.

¨I'm going to untie you some you can eat but if you try to escape I will kill that little baby boy Christian just dropped off at his moms house.¨ She said uniting my hands only.

She then handed me the tray. I took it thankfully I ate the pancakes without thinking about potential poison if she wanted to kill me should have done it by now.

¨So is this the part when you tell me your evil plans?¨I asked after I was done. She just sat there watching me eat.

¨Well I guess so you wont live long enough to stop me.¨She said tying my hands again. ¨Well you already know why I want Christian  dead well I kinda need to let this all off my chest anyway.¨

¨Well it all started in the 10th grade. Me and Christian has started dating I was so in love with him. Then he saw my stupid older sister as soon as he saw her we left me and was dating her for years. He left me he fucking left me!" She screamed. I underestimated how crazy she really is.

"Then he had the nerve to ask why I hated him! The damn nerve to ask me that nonsense." She sneered again.

I just sat and listened to her whole rant session. Apparently She has been after her sister and Christian just because he choose her sister over her. I was sickening how obsessed she was with him. She just keep going and going I was growing sleepy but it would not be wise to fall asleep when she was giving me critical. But what she said next would kill me inside.

¨I have to get to him before the others do.¨ She said in the mist of all the self loathing.

¨What do you mean others.¨ I asked.

¨Well I heard this guy Darius was after him to for stealing his girl which I'm guessing is you.¨She looked at me with a smile.

¨Well why don't I just wait till he gets Christian and make a trade with him.¨She said typing away at her phone. ¨An excellent trade, you for him.¨She said more to herself than me then left me alone again.

Christian POV

I watched as this Darius guy hit one of his ¨Girls¨. She fell to the floor crying while the others continued to counting money as if nothing was happening. It was sickening to see how he so easily beat on a women.

¨Lets move in our target is Darius not the girls we go in kill anyone with a dick that's not a kid, get Darius alive and get out!¨ I whisper yelled at the group of Queens men. The all agreed to help me get her back.

¨Move in.¨ I whispered and we all ran in.

¨Everyone get on the floor!¨ I yelled shooting the two guards in the back of the room. Everyone obeyed and got on the floor all except Darius of course. He stood tall smirking.

¨Well looks like I did not have to come find you. You came to me thats pretty stupid of you.¨ He said just as two if his men came running out.

Gunshots ran out as I took cover with the few who didn't get hit. We fired back all head shots for me. I took four down but there was more coming.I was down half the people I came with I have to end this before more of Queens people die. I went into overload and killed as many as I could. Bodies dropped like flies on both sides but in the end only Darius was left standing. I got up and walked to him still holding my gun. Once I had my gun to his temple I stopped.

¨Your going to tell me where Queen is right now or you die.¨ I said. Showing no mercy was the only way to get my queen back.

Before he could say anything his phone rang. I grabbed it from his pocket not breaking eye contact with him. He was shaking in fear and I liked seeing him shake. I looked at the texted and immediately knew who had Queen.

¨Well you don't have her but you were planning on killing me sooo¨ I said as I pulled the trigger sending a bullet through his head. I read the text over and over again.

Hey you don't know me but I have Queen and ill trade her for Christian. Get him and you get your girlfriend back.


I thought I left that bitch and her sister in he past but I guess I have to kill her to finally get rid of her.

-Heyy loves🖤 thanks for reading

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