01. and then there were seven

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in which seven different types of people all arrive bright and early to school for a saturday dedicated to detention.

   "I CAN'T BELIEVE you can't get me out of this... I mean, it's so absurd I have to be here on a Saturday!" The ginger exclaimed, shaking her head slowly while narrowing her eyes at the building. "It's not like I'm a defective or anything."

"I'll make it up to you," her step father offered, turning a little to the side to face her, though she wasn't looking in his direction. "Honey, ditching class to go shopping doesn't make you a defective."

He reached in the back seat, picking up a small, to-go bag and handed it to her with a soft, reassuring grin.

"Have a good day." The girl rolled her eyes, caring less than what she could've, before opening the door and walking towards the school's steps.

   "IS THIS THE first or the last time we do this?" His mother asked in a very, very bothered tone.

   The poor kid had been squished up against the car door, having his older brother sit in the middle of him and his mom, and had been dying to get out.

   "Last.." He mumbled, almost so quietly that his mother, or his brother, heard.

   "Well get in there and use the time to your advantage." She urged, shooting him a look that could kill. It had seemed if he was already on the edge of getting pushed to his death. If that makes sense.

   "Mom, we're not supposed to study; we just sit there and do nothing." He reasoned, shrugging his shoulders while doing so. His mother tsked while rolling her eyes and adjusting herself in her seat.

   "Well mister you figure out a way to study."

   "Yeah!" His brother nudged him in the arm, hard, that if the car door had been unlocked, Jeremy would've fallen out. Jeremy glanced at his mother, then his brother, before unlocking the door and opening it up.

   "HEY, I SCREWED around... guys screw around, there's nothing wrong with that." His father briefly paused to look over at him. "Except you got caught, sport."

   "Yeah, Mom already reemed me, alright?"

   "You wanna miss another match?" His father's voice raised, causing the boy to flinch. "You wanna blow your ride? Now no school's gonna give a scholarship to a discipline case."

   Without any hesitation, the jock opened up the truck door, shoving himself out and slamming the door behind him angrily. And without hesitation, his father drove away.

   WITH HIS SUNGLASSES on, the boy walked across the street as a car started coming towards him. However, he didn't hesitate to stop, and instead, made the car jolt forward to a halt.

   As he continued to walk, eventually, towards the other side of the street, a quiet looking boy stepped out from the back of the car. One of the straps of his black book bag was loose as the other laid carelessly over his shoulder.

   The car still remained parked, though he had already stepped out. Annoyed, he walked a little bit forward, looking through the front window until the car drove away.

   "AW, C'MON MA, don't make me do this, please, I'm begging you!" The puny-looking kid rambled as he fidgeted in his seat. His mother rolled her eyes while shutting off the car engine before facing her son.

   "Jack, sweetie, it's only for a couple of hours–"

   "Yeah, a couple of hours in the same room as a bunch of no-good, trouble makers!" He panicked, running a trembling hand through his, once nicely combed, hair. "Ma, what if they're all sick? You know how sickness is this type of year–"

   "Jack," his mother's choice of tone made him freeze. "You're in high school now, for God's sake! I'm not going to be there with you 24/7, honey–"

   "I-I know–"

   "Maybe this will be a way for you to.. I don't know," his mother scoffed, smiling reassuringly, though, "cut loose? Is that the kind of term you kids use today?"

  "Fine," The poor kid muttered underneath his breath, grabbing a hold of his lunch while opening up his door, "I'll see you at three."

   "I love you!"

   THE CURLY HEADED boy's body slammed into his door as his brother swerved in the parking lot, making a very sharp turn. Once his brother "parked", the boy felt is body heave forward towards the dashboard.

   "Jesus, do you know how to drive?" He questioned, looking over at his brother in disbelief. His brother only chuckled with pride.

   "Be proud mom didn't drive you, little bro." He teased while tossing him his crumpled lunch. "She thinks you're at Will's house all day." He rolled his eyes.

   "Yeah, okay, well, she doesn't drive like a maniac and makes my shirt get all wrinkled." The you get boy argued, gesturing down to his nice, blue button down shirt that had small creases in it.

   "Who do you have to impress, little bro?"

   "No one." He simply said, opening up the car door quickly and looking down at his brother with a look of hatred. "And stop calling me little bro!"

    Oh what a day was ahead for our seven little friends.

sorry that this wasn't much:(

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