02. brownie hound

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in which our seven characters are met with the man behind the discipline case.

    IN THE FRONT center of the library sat two separate rows, both consisting of three tables with multiple chairs. It was empty and quiet — one would think that someone just abandoned it.

    Until the redhead, who went by the name of Sophia, walked in. Her eyes scanned over the empty room before she sat her bag, that held her lunch, and herself on the first table of the left row.

    Not so long afterwards, Jeremy, a more rounded boy, walked through the doorway. He nodded at Sophia with a polite smile while passing her to sit himself down at the table behind her.

    Then, like ants, one by one piled inside the library. After Jeremy came a buff kind-of-guy, wearing a letterman jacket over a blue hoodie. He carried a bag with the name "Happy Foods" and a smiley face on it.

    He approached the table Sophia was seated at, and quietly pointed at an empty chair just one seat away from her. She shrugged, and so the boy, known by the name of Chosen, took it as a yes and pulled the chair out.

    Once he was seated, another fellow student walked in. He was dressed in baggy, oversized clothing, and his fingers picked at every single thing on the nearby counter.

    Stuffing a few things in his coat, the boy stuck his hands in the pockets of his coat and causally walked down the isle of tables and chairs.

    Still wearing his sunglasses, the boy stopped at the table where Jeremy was sitting. Jeremy glanced up and gave off a scared look at the presence of the mysterious boy hovering over the table.

    Without saying a word, Jeremy was given the impression that the seat he was in was no longer his seat. He grabbed his lunch bag and stood up from the chair, having the mysterious boy watch him still in the process.

    Jeremy shifted towards the table beside the table he was at, and sat down in one of the empty chairs.

    The mysterious boy, who we'll now call Finn, slumped back in, what was once, Jeremy's chair and kicked his dirty boots upon the surface of the table.

    Finally, he took off his sunglasses. Revealing dark brown eyes with sun kisses underneath them.

    In stepped a small boy, who you would assume is the age of a middle schooler, rather than a high schooler, with a saddened look upon his baby face.

    He had dark brown hair that was close in matching with Finn's eyes, and held a small red lunchbox in one of his hands. Jeremy noticed that it looked as if the boy had been crying.

    The little boy shuffled his way towards the table in front of Jeremy, his eyes focused on the ground as he began to feel uncomfortable by all of the stares he was getting.

    After the little boy, who goes by the name of Jack, walked in, another boy followed. Except this one appeared to be much taller with lighter, more curlier hair. He was dressed down in a blue polo shirt with a belt upon his khaki shorts.

    He was a very organized boy with no lunch in his hand. Instead there was a fist.

    Wyatt, the boy who owns the blue polo shirt, made way to where Jack was seated. Jack had his head down and didn't even notice Wyatt sit a chair away from him at the same table.

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