11. uh weeeed

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in which five of the seven get hiiiigh.

    SKARSGARD LEAVES THE room, revealing to the six that he had a toilet seat cover stuck to his pants.

    Finn gets out from underneath the table and is immediately bombarded with slaps from Sophia. Everyone laughs except for her.

    "It was an accident!" Finn exclaims. Sophia glares.

    "You're an asshole!"

    "Sue me..." Finn gets up off of the floor and walks over to Jack, who'd been worried about the hidden bag in his pants the whole time.

   "So Ahab... can I have all my doobage?" Finn asks.

    Jack reaches down in his pants and pulls out the bag of marijuana. Finn snatches it out of his hand, then goes to the back of the room.

    Chosen turns around. "Yo, waistoid... you're not gonna blaze up in here!"

    Sophia looks down at a lap for a minute before looking up and over at Chosen, who shakes his head. She looks away and stands up from the table, going after Finn.

   Afterward, Chosen glances behind him and at Jeremy, mouthing 'I'm not going to'.

    Jeremy shrugs and eventually, gets up too. Wyatt gets up not long afterwards, leaving Chosen, Jack and Jaeden.

   Chosen stares at the other remaining two, then shakes his head and gets up from his seat.

    "Shit." He says, following the four to the back.

    Jack looks over at Jaeden, who stares back with a blank face. Jack sighs.

    "My mom would murder me if she smelt that stuff on me." He tells Jaeden, who doesn't say anything in return.

    Jack looks back in front of him and sees the stack of cards. He picks them up and shows them to Jaeden.

    "Wanna play cards?"

    Jaeden shrugs and slowly makes his way up towards Jack. He sits down in Wyatt's abandoned seat and they begin to play a round of Go Fish, since really that was the only game Jack knew how to play.

   Jaeden nods as a substitute for saying the words and watches as Jack fishes for another card. And an eruption of laughter came from the back of the room.

    Wyatt, Jeremy, Sophia and Finn sit in a circle, laughing their asses off. Sophia leans forward with the drug in between her lips. Finn lights it and she sits back, inhaling it.

    "Wolfhard, dude," Wyatt coughs as he exhales, "your locker... it's a fucking mess, man." Finn scoffs.

    "I'm not blind curly Sue. Do I really look like the clean type to you?"

    Jeremy wears the shades Finn had given Chosen and laughs. He blows out some smoke and pretends to eat it up.

    "Chicks cannot hold der smoke, that's what it is!" He says in a high-pitched voice. Wyatt cackles and claps his hands together dramatically.

    Sophia starts coughing as she exhales a puff of smoke and she smiles.

    "Do you know how popular I am? I'm so popular, everybody loves me so much at this school..."

    Finn pouts. "Poor baby."

    Jeremy holds his hand up and Wyatt gives him a forceful high five, pushing him back on the floor.

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