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"hoseok!" jia called out. a month had passed by, this guy was still here.

"what?!?" the said guy shouted back.

"why are you fucking shouting?!?"

"why are you fucking shouting?!?"

"don't copy me, you bastard!"

the whole time hoseok lived in her house, it was always like this. most of the time, arguments and shouting were all over the place. they're impressed that their neighbors still hasn't complained about this yet.

there are times though when they both were just quiet, enjoying the comfortable silence that was surrounding them.

"did you drank all the milk again?" jia asked, completely annoyed. "yeah, why? what are you gonna do about it?" hoseok teased, raising an eyebrow.

"buy some, you little shit," jia said sternly. her gaze were ice cold. hoseok flinched. "okay, okay, jeez," he said, uneasy.


"yes, ma'am!" hoseok shouted, leaving the apartment immediately afterwards.

the whole time hoseok was there, they grew closer and closer.




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