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she woke up in a dark room, it was hoseok's room. her forehead was covered with cold damp cloth. she was also tucked in a blanket. she sat up, the towel falling on her lap. she called out his name.

"hoseok?" jia shouted, hoping that he would hear her, and he did. hoseok went inside his room. "you're awake! do you need anything?" he turned the lights on. he was glad that jia was finally awake.

"no, it's just that," she wasn't able to finish what she was going to say as she was about to stand up because hoseok pushed her back down to bed which made her sit down. "you can't go out of bed right now, you're still sick!" he ordered. jia looked at him with a reassuring gaze. "i'm fine."

"you're still not fine," he retorted and touched her forehead to see if she's still hot. "you still have a high temperature, if you stand up, you'll collapse and faint again. i don't want that," he continued. "wait there, let me get you some food."

she smiled as hoseok went out to get her something to eat.

"i still remember everything," she breathed out in relief. "he still doesn't know that i was able to though," she mumbled to herself, just realizing that she wasn't able to tell him about why her head started to ache so much, resulting her to get sick.

hoseok finally arrived with a bowl on his hands, he placed it on the bedside table.

"here's some chicken soup! don't eat it yet, i'll go get you some water and medicine," he stated. jia nodded. he then went out the room, going back right after he got what she needed and placing it beside the soup.

hoseok picked up the bowl, about to feed her the food.

"wait! i can feed myself you know, i have hands," jia stopped him. "but you have to save your energy to get better, let me feed you," he insisted. "but-."

"no buts."

jia finally gave in, letting hoseok feed her. after she finished it, hoseok handed her the water and medicine, drinking it.

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