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it was already evening. after going to the park, they went to their next destination, which is the ice cream parlor they always hung out at. they went inside the shop and were greeted by the cashier and the cold air. it was painted with different shades of pastel, it would probably attract the kids more.

"this feels very nostalgic," jia stated, sitting at the chair of the table they chose. "you remember?" hoseok asked. "not yet, but i feel something very special here."

they both sat there in silence, then remembering that they had to get some ice cream.

"i'll treat you," hoseok stood up and went to the cashier. "he didn't even ask me what flavor i wanted," jia whispered to herself. "choco chip cookie dough and rainbow sherbet please," hoseok ordered.

the cashier then prepared the orders and gave them to hoseok who immediately got back to their table after receiving the ice cream. he gave the choco chip cookie dough to jia.

"how do you know which flavor i like?" she asked, clearly surprised. "you always order that when we go here," hoseok stated. "oh."

they sat their again in silence, eating their ice cream. jia starts to remember scenes she spent in the different places she went to. memories started flooding over her and her head started to hurt. she began to get overwhelmed. she placed her fingers on her temple, massaging them. hoseok looked at her worriedly.

"you okay?" he asked.

"yeah, just a little headache."

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