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:October 5th: 11:05 EDT:

Richard Greyson pov

I walked along the streets of Blud'haven, the city was the neighbour to Gotham City. But it didn't have near the same level of crime as Gotham, thanks to the BHPD. I had taken up work as an officer and was surprised to find that my partner would be Barbra Gordon. While this may have caught me by surprise a while ago, the sight of a thug attempting to steal a young women's purse was common placed nowadays. I started walking over before I yelled out "You there, atop what your doing and place your hands behind your head" The thug knew better, but he made a run for the nearest building. I smiled, "bad idea" I made my way over and Barbra came out, catching the thug by surprise. He recovered quickly and I ran, my stun stick at the ready. He dodged my initial strike and cane back with at me with a fist. I had seen worse when working as Nightwing. I dodged and swung down, catching the back of his leg. Barbra came over placed a pair of cuffs on him before she commented. "Not bad, but I had him" I smirked at her and then pushed the thug forward. The station was far from where we were at the moment, but a car would've made the return easy. Inside, senior officer David was talking when we came in the door. He saw us by the corner of his eye. "Another one Richard" he exclaimed. "Find them everyday sir, always looking for trouble" commented Barbra. David gave a huff and replied "maybe when the heroes catch on to what the outlaws have been doing, then they would change their mind about crime". Rumors had been going around of a group of heroes who had found the ways of not killing the criminals to be getting nowhere. I knew one person who could be classified as an outlaw and that was Jason Todd better known as the Red Hood. When Batman had called my help in investigating him, I took to the sky with it, but with it also came dread and quilt. Jason had been killed by the Joker, and Jason had taken it personally after he was revived in the Lazarus pit. Any hint of the original Jason was all but gone. I preferred to keep criminals alive so they could be tied and sentenced to jail or death. And it was clear that senior officer David didn't share my view as Barbra did. "We'll sir, if these heroes keep killing, we won't have a job to do then" David had not seen that coming, he didn't see the larger picture as Barbra and I did. "Hmm, you may be right Richard, but not all people can keep a job for as long as I have in the department, the only reason your still in the job is because the commissioner knows you and Barbra make the best team we have". David hated me, and I had few ideas as to why. Either I was becoming famous for my skills or it was because Barbra was the daughter of the head the branches police department for Gotham and Blud'haven and that I was dating her, but another reason might be because I had solved a crime that saw the release of an innocent man that he believe was guilty and that ruined his reputation. But I knew that when I made a mistake, he would be on top of if. I was glad the outlaws hadn't yet reached Blud'haven, as I could go about my job with the threat of one of them gunning down someone I arrested. "We'll sir, no one can have everything" David motioned for Barbra to take away the thug. David then walked over and whispered "When you lose your job, I get back my seat and your house" With that said, David walked away. I doubt that I would lose my job, besides, I lived with Barbra, so he couldn't take the house anyway as it belonged to her. I turned and headed for the commissioners office. Barbra was there when I arrived. "Richard, take a seat" "Have you got our nest assignment" I questioned as I took a seat. He smiled as he pulled out a badge and handed it to me. I held the badge in my hands and then looked up. "I'm being transferred to Jump City, and there's no one better to take my place as commissioner the you Richard" I looked at the badge and then thought about how David would react to seeing me wear it. We stood up and shook hands before the next day's ceremony and farewell to Commissioner Orwell.

I awoke the next morning to a chirpy Barbra. Who was already in uniform and waiting for me to get up. "You need to get ready Rich, your going to be late" Communicated Barbra as I got up and took a shower. As I got into uniform, I saw the image of a figure fly in the sky. Blud'haven had a hero who worked, but the police needed for her to open up to them like Batman had. I also had to get David on my good side and had the job for him.

The stage was set, I sat by Barbra and David whom had no idea what I had planned for him. Orwell was speaking and the crowd cheering him on. "It is with pride that I hand the title of Commissioner over to Richard Greyson. A rising star among our force and one who has ties back in Gotham" I stand and walk over to the stand and make my speech. "Thank you all for coming here today. I am honoured to have this title and will ensure that Orwell gets the departure he deserves for his commitment to this city and to us all. My first step as commissioner will be to form a relationship between our police and the hero who defends us, my second step, will be to promote Senior officer David go head of the crime labs and mission control, my third step will be to continue and live up to Orwell's name as commissioner of Blud'haven police department. Have a good day" I walked back over sat down next to David who looked at me with surprise and confusion.

The next day, while looking through reports, I hear knock at the door and look up, Barbra is standing there with... Tim and Cathy. "Come in and close the door. As Tim closes the door, I pull up a third chair motion to them. "What brings you to Blud'haven" questioned Barbra. "We have a situation with the team, and we need you guys to return" Explained Tim. Tim then goes on to detailed the events since I left the team. "So, Jason returned and half the team left with to form the outlaws, and the League hasn't stopped them because the public finds their methods to be more effective" I summarise the 3 years. "Give us a minute and we'll join you outside"

Tim Drake pov

Cathy and I stood outside the police department waiting for Richard and Barbra to come out. The wait was a few minutes but they came out and on time too. We walked to the Zeta tube and entered.

"Recognised Nightwing B01, Batgirl B16, Red Robin B20, Wonder Girl B21"

:October 6th: 4:07 EDT:

The watchtower was as quiet as ever with half the team having joined the outlaws under Red Hood's leadership. What caused them to leave and join him was the effect that the death of Impulse or the second Kid Flash sent them into seeing that only a dead criminal was worth the effort of taking them down. "We'll, here's what left of the team" spoke Cathy, Superboy was in the corner with Supergirl. Miss Martian was looking over the unconscious body of Aqualad while Tigress was at the pedestal of Kid Flash. Blue Beetle was talking with Beastboy. "It's not much, but it's what we have left that. counts, and we need a new leader" I exclaimed. I watched as Richard took one look around and then back at where Aqualad lay, unconscious in a coma. He then walked forward and spoke "Come here, it's time we got back into action and stop the crazed Red Hood and his outlaws" The team came over almost immediately, answering his call like an army to there king. "It's time to get to work and go out a recruitment spree"

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