Chapter 7

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Red Robin pov

Wayne Manor was quiet, far to quiet for my liking. It seemed almost dull and dark. The usual routine of things had come to a hold, no one spoke apart from when they needed something. The cause of all this was what Richard revealed to us when he came through with Artimis, Damian, Koriander and Rachel. Barbra, she had saved her father and let thousands die even when her own father told her to save the people. We would eventfully get over the news. But that was years ago, back when Barbra had begun her carer as Batgirl. Looking out into the day sky was something I had been doing lots today. I often could be found on the balcony outside mine and Cathy's room here at Wayne Manor. Barbra had been to visit this morning and we all told her that we understand that choices like that are hard to make. And that saving her father was a good choice, even if it seemed like a bad one. In the garden, Bruce was talking with Barbra, the once Crisp and chatty Barbra, had been left a wreck after Dick broke up with her. Something which I don't believe is related to what she chose to do that day that resulted in the deaths of thousands. It was time to return to the team, we had to find Dick and the others, even if they told us not to, we had to find them. I turned and made my way inside, heading over to the library where Cathy was bound to be. And sure enough, she was, Alfred was there too, bring her a drink. Alfred spoke in his usual calm Unconcerned tone that he had most of the time.
"Master Tim" I walk over and sit down next to Cathy before placing an arm around her and kissing her on the check. "Cathy, we need to return to the team. We have to find Dick and the others" Cathy looked up from her book and then at me. She was always so calm and playful when speaking. "But they said they don't want to looked for or found" I knew they didn't want to be found, but this dull, dark and cold atmosphere that has been left over us all needs to be lifted, and they are the only ones that can do that. "I know they don't want to be found, but if we don't find them, what will become of the team, of us" Cathy gave me a kiss on the lips before he replied. "I know you want to find them, but we would never be apart. never, not even the other Amazon's can keep us apart, but if we don't find another way to keep the team together, how do you think we can handle it, Dick was one of the best of us, if not the best, but we can still do this without him" I sighed, knowing that Cathy was right, we had to trust that Dick and the others knew what they were doing and that they would come to help us when the time was right. "Ok, but we still need to to head back Cathy". Cathy nodded and I got up. I had to ensure that Bruce knew that we were leaving soon.

Ultimus pov

The day was peaceful, to peaceful for my liking, or the others liking for that matter. I was on the search with the Crime League for the 5 that had left the young heroes team. Richard was going to be dead when I was done with him, if not, then Batgirl would be next. Turning around, I walked over to Deadshot who was currently looking over the east side of the tower we were standing on. "Deadshot, got any sign or sight of them" Deadshot turned his head. He knows that I'm to be feared, bu I keep him around because of his skill. "No, none, they must be hiding well to stay out of my sight" Nodding my head, I turn to face Circe. "Any trace of them" "No, but I am detecting a large amount of Trigonic energy right here" Trigonic energy, Trigon, what would he be wanting. Turning to Black Adam I walk over and speak "Where is the crystal that houses Trigon" "I have kept it hidden, anything that could or would compromise us is safely away" "Good, becasue don't a demon giving us orders" I turn ot see part of the wall of the building next to us has four redish orange eyes. I could tell the rest are seeing this a they too, are looking at the same spot. Kormander lands next to me and the eyes grow brighter before a voice speaks. It was assertive and serious along with a hint of anger. "Kevin Edward, you and Crime League now serve me" My rage was beyond the roof upon hearing this, but it could give us the oppertunity to finlly kill Richard and find Koriander, depending if he wants his daughter found. "And if we serve you, what do we get in return" The bitter and raged voice of Trigon replyed "You shall be given a world of your chosing to rule over, along with powers and an army to command, all you have to do is follow my command" He does have an interesting offer, "Let me and my team discuss this, we can talk again tommorrow when we have come to an agreement" The eyes glowed far brighter now an then the voice of Trigon sounded outraged. "You have five minutes to discuss my offer, if you refuse, your souls are bound to my will, if you agree, you get to keep control over your bodies and your soul" Turning to me team, I walk over and Circe speaks "He does make a lovely offer" "But my future self would be compromised" "You forget Zoom, that only if the Flash or one of your ancestors are harmed that you future self changes" "Alright, have we reached an aggrement" The 9 other members all nodded and I turned back to face the eyes of Trigon. "We agree, but will you keep your part if the bargin" "I will keep my part, so long as you keep yours Kevin Edward. My first command is this, hunt down eradiacte the Blood Cult" "Yes lord Trigon, but that will casue our other allies to turn against us" "You forget that I am beyond them, you serve me now, and now, you will get to chose a world to rule over once I have returned. I must return before Darkseid and the forces of Apocaylpse arrive to invade, or else the galaxy shall be lost" I nod and the eyes vanish, he will be keeping an eye on us. I turn and then speak. "Evih esab latrop won" A portal to the Hive base forms and we we walk through, ready to begin the first stage of Trigon's plan.

Aqualad pov

The day had grown long and I had retreted to my room. Looking over the recent mission report. Still no sign of Dick or the others. I heard a knock on my door. Looking up, I saw Tim. Getting up, I spoke, my voice calm and controlled. "Tim, you have returned" Tim nodded and then spoke, his voice sounding dissappointed, "Dick and the others don't want us to look for them, and I, truthfully, respect their discession." "Tim, while I respect Dick's wishes, we cannot run this team without them, without him" Tim held his hand up, stopping me before he spoke "Kaldur, the others agree and don't wish to look for him, the respect his choice as much as I do now" Sighing, I nod in agreement and walked out of my room. Tim followed me and then left down another cooridoor. Barbra was on leave for the time being and the rest of us, well, we need to move on and find out what this Crime League is after. Entering the command room, I see the team gathered around Superman. Walking over I speak "What's going on"
"Aqualad, I'm glad you made it, we just received this from the Blood Cult" Superman presses something and then the screen lights up.

The screen shows a cultist before he speaks "Justice League, This is the Blood Cult, we are under attack by the Crime League, we need help, we need." Another voice could be heard from off the camera, and there was no doubt that the voice belonged to Ultimus. "You there, it's time for you to die" THe cultist seems ti turn and speak with fear. "But Trigon commands us, he would never let this happen to us" Ultimus then enters the view. His hands hold a sword with fire around the blade. "Trigon has spoken to the Crime League, and you are to be wiped out, Trigon demands it" In an instant the camera is hit and the dead body of the cultist falls to the ground.

"So, we have a problem with the Crime League, we can no longer focus on the Blood Cult, as they have been, removed from the threat, but the threat of Trigon is the one we have to worry about. I want you guys to investigate this while the Justice League handles the problem of the their partners, the so called Legion of Doom" I nod and Superman flys off to attend something else. I then walk forward and turn to face the team. "You heard what Superman said, we must track down the Crime League before any harm can come form it, the crystal is under the protection of the Amazons, so we must find and protect Raven" I watch as Cathy and Tim walk in. A look of worry across their face. "That may be a problem Aqualad, the crystal was stolen by Black Adam and other members of the Crime League not so long ago" Looking down, I do realise that this is a problem, and that Raven was no doubt their next target. "Then we must ignore Nightwing's wishes and find them, the fate of the world depends on it" "What was their last known location" I turn to face Superboy and look at the screen. Pulling up a location. I speak "This was their last known location, here in Central City. But since then nothing" "Wait, there was a massive burst in the speedforce there" "Hmm, I overlooked that Red Robin, what do you think it means?" I turn to look at the team, each was thinking hard. Impulse had been killed by a thug when he wasn't paying attention, so it couldn't be him returning, But Wally, perhaps he has somehow returned. But if Nightwing and the others were there before and when it happened, then Wally would've joined them. "Kid Flash, he must have returned from the speedforce" "I agree, there can only be one explanination for this, he was never killed that day. Meaning that he would've returned and as such, has joined Nightwing and his team" "Batman, what team" "Nightwing does not wish for me to explain, thus I will not speak the name or where they operate, but Raven is in good hands" "You've been here the whle time" "Yes, and I've had a oneway comm open to Nightwing and his team, they know what must be done to protect Raven, But I need you to investigate and bring back the crystal that holds Trigon" I nod and turn to the team, ready to explain the mission.

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