Chapter 4

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Third person pov

:Wayne Manor:
:October 11th: 12:05 EDT:

Clark and Lois walked up to the front door of Wayne Manor, having been invited by Bruce and Diana for launch to discuss important matters. Lois knocked as if Clark knocked, the whole door would be on the ground. The door opened and Alfred stood back. "Master Kent, Miss Kent, please enter, Master Bruce and Miss Diana wait for you in the dinning room" Clark and Lois walked in through the door. Haveing been before on numerous occasions, fund risers and that, it was still breath taking to walk through Wayne Manor. Bruce looked up to Calark and Lois enter and stood up to greet them, Diana following suite. "Clark, Lois, welcome" "It's good to be here, but I have a feeling that ths isn't just about launch? "I'm afraid not, we'll talk over launch". Clark nodded. Alfred called from the door. "Master Bruce, we have a visitor, to say a visitor would be an understatment, we have muiltiple, and I believe this is serious business" "I'll be right back" Expressed Bruce as we walked to the front door. "John, Damiam, Raven, and.. Umm, do I know you? Damian looked at Starfire and Starfire repiled "My name is Koriander, but you can call me Starfire Mr Wayne" "Ok, so why are you here John" John leans to Damian's ear and whispers "I told you he would'nt like to see me" Damian ignored him and then spoke "Father, we need to speak" "I've got other business to attend to" Bruce went to walk in but Damian stood infront of him, He face showed no joy, but he wa dead serious, "Father, this is important, it cannot go ignored, and it may attack us here if we do not speak" "Your boy's right Bruce, we need to talk, and it concerns aliens, particlay Parademons" Clark, Lois and Diana walked over to the door, Clark having heard Parademons. "Let's talk" "Not here, the house of mystery, we'll be safe from them there" "Fine, let's go"

"So, Parademons, why are they attacking" Bruce had aken a seat next to Diana at a table that the house had set up for them to have launch on. Damian replied. "We don't know, but the've been after us, every time we set down to collect some stuff, they have attacked. We were left alone by them for three days when Starfire was sent to help by Dr Fate, but since the third day, we've been attack" "Hmm, where is the crystal that contains Trigon" Diana then speaks up, replying to Bruce "On Themiscaria, under the protection of the Gods and the Amazons" "So, why not give it to the guardians" "Too easy to still with a boom tube, but as Earth has many boom tube usage and magical as well as zeta tube, it would be safe to assume that they don't know where it is and are still after Raven" Damian took a bite of his meal before Starfire spoke up "Fate told me that a war was coming, a war that would see the forces of Earth against that of the New Gods who live on Apocolypse, but he did not say when it was coming or when the first signs of the attack were, but I believe that these are the first signs that he was talking about. And with the Outlaws killing criminals, we are losing numbers" Clark finishes her sentance "All the while Darkseid is growing more and more Parademons, Stay in the house of mystery, it will be safer for you here, Starfire, did Dr Fate tell you to stay with them" Starfire nodded, answering Clark's question. "Alright, now that's out of the way, Clark, Diana, the team has given us info that the Outlaws are now our problem, a new threat has popped up, using a C as a symbol, their low in number, notably with the Blood Cult out looking to free Trigon" Raven looked up, Brother-Blood wanted her to release Trigon years ago, that was when Robin and a team of heroes freed her. That was the day she was greatful and joined them, giving them a much need boost in term of magic. "Then let's go, Lois, Diana, Bruce, we have buisness to attend to"

Nightwing pov

:October 11th: 3:40 EDT:

I walked along the streets of Blud'haven, Batgirl was beside me. We were following a lead that might give us an idea as to who murdered this next fellow. The Outlaws had other problems to deal with, notably, we were getting onto them too, but with members of the Justice League having joined them and us having many other problems to deal with. We had come to a building and entered. Another dead body, wonderful.

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