chapter 10

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Aqualad pov

I ended the call from Batman before turning around to see the team waiting. "We need to head to Arkham with a League member, a break out is in the process, and the culprit is the Crime League, Superman, can you assist us in taming this break out by dealing and subduing Joker for us" I watch as Superman hovers down from where he was floating before speaking "Sure, let's get going, we don't need to waste anymore time now do we" "No, no we do not"

"Recognised Superman J01, Aqualad B02, Superboy B04, Miss Martian B05, Batgirl B16, Beast Boy B19, Red Robin B20, Wonder Girl B21, Blue Beetle B22, Supergirl B31, Cyborg B33"

The scene was far more then I had expected, but the Crime League had to be taken down, as well as the break out. Moving forward, I pulled my two hilts from my back and formed two swords with them. Charging forward, I bring them down and then out, knocking back Clayface. He seemed to be out on the job for the time. I had noticed that two of the Crime League's number were absent, Ultimus and Blackfire, both were missing from the action, and both would have to be brought down if the Crime League was to truly be defeated. Stepping forward, I watched as Clayface formed swords out of his arms and move to engage. Blocking, I duck and then slice from the left. He blocks and goes for my right side, moving aside, I slice from below and the side, coming up at him from an angle, I manage to slice him in half. Laughing, he reforms and moves towards me, I stand back and form a shield from on of my hilts, keeping my sword at bay, I wait for Clayface to move closer before I quickly strike, leaving a cut on his arm which heals quickly. How Batman manages to defeat him is in question, seeming as he has a new trick up his arsenal or has found a way to render previous techniques useless. I jump back as he slams down with his fist forming hammers. I look around and decide that this might be best for Red Robin to deal with, seeing as I lack the necessary equipment to deal with Clayface. I move back as he slams from the sides and turn on my comm. "Red Robin, I need you to deal with Clayface" I move back as he replies. "I'm on my way Aqualad, hang in there" Smiling, I jump back and then run around behind Clayface as he slams down upon where I once stood. I smirk and step back as Red Robin lands in front of me. "Ha, is the half human, half Atlantian too weak to face me alone" I smirk as I turn and run, Red Robin feeling Clayface in on the small detail required.

I spy Killer Croc overpowering Batgirl and go to assist. Upon arriving, I fire a stream of water at him. Forcing him away before running over to Batgirl. "Are you ok" I ask while helping her up. "I'll be fine once Croc taken a lesson as to why he should stay in Arkham" I smile as we prepare for his assault.

Superman pov

I find the Joker hanging around in a remote spot near the top of Arkham. He turns as I make my presence clear. "Oh, big blue scout, was hoping for the big bat to show his face around here" He expressed that with such disappointment, he really did want to face Batman in combat. Sighing, I land and then speak "Well, Batman's on the other side of Gotham, tracking down the one responsible for planning the break out" I notice Joker laugh before he steps back. "Ha ha ha, never mind that, I'll just have to have my fun with you instead" I move forward as Joker steps back, he's up to something and I don't like it. I take one more step before Joker then speaks. "Do you like Green things big blue, because I'm sure they'll love you, ah hahahahahaha" I notice a small fragment of Kryptonite in Jokers pocket and move back as he steps forward. Already starting to feel weaker, I notice Joker throw a punch. Feeling the force, I move to the side. How did he get the kryptonite. I notice Miss Martian behind at a distance, I motion to the Kryptonite and she nods. I smirk as the rock is flown away. Joker throws a punch at me but then stands back in pain. "What!, how did you, where'd my Kryptonite go" I watch as the Joker turns around and spies Miss Martian holding the Kryptonite. "Why you little spoilt floating green woman, I'll get that back you Martian, because have you met firefly, I'm sure he'll love you." I watch as Firefly moves up before he is then sent flying by Supergirl who rams into him. Smirking, I stand behind the Joker and then tap him on the shoulder. "What, where did, how many of you big blue scouts are there" I send him into the wall as I reply. Only me, my cousin, and my son" "I'll get you next time, you big blue scout" Joker then falls to the ground out cold. Turning back to the problem at hand, I witness as the last of the escapees fall to the ground out cold.

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