Chapter 12

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We now enter the final plot arc of the story. While Wonder Girl's name is not Cathy, I shall be calling her Cathy as a nickname. It's easy for me to remember that way. So lets jump into the Apocalypse arc

Red Hood pov

The days went by as I remembered the even that led to me being locked up, they said that an external event was coming. A threat from beyond the solar system that we would all need to be ready for. Whatever that event or threat is, I have no idea, but the deaths of criminals can be justified. Why should they get to live when their victims don't. Sighing, I look out my cell window. The bars stopping me from breaking the glass. Whatever they were speaking off, it seems to be coming. In the distance I could hear a faint boom sound, like an explosion of some sort. It would be something they could handle themselves.

Batman pov

The Watchtower was quiet, too quiet, no crime, no threats, no nothing, something was amiss. Then it hit me. He's coming "Superman, can you hear anything" Superman turns to the side as he listens in on the Earth resting below. "Yes, like a sonic boom I can hear it. A boom tube. several planet side ones though" With that I bring up a map of the Earth and the unique signature of the boom tubes. "there're coming from off world in source. Darkseid has arriver for his attack against Earth" With all that was needed confirmed. We turned and ran. Red Robin entered the room not long after. "Tim, contact every hero on Earth, this threat is a major threat" I watch as Tim nods and I head out.

Third person pov

Down on Earth, in a swamp, inside the Hall of Doom, the Legion of Doom gathers, the leading members known as the Light stand before them. Anger is expressed clearly on Vandal Savage's face by this betrayal from Darkseid. "Members of the Legion of Doom, we must defend Earth if we are to fully send this world onto the path it was meant to before the Justice League came to power. Darkseid and his forces must be removed" Ultimus turns to Blackfire and whispers something into her ear before she heads off somewhere. The Joker looking around then gets up with a laugh. "So Savage, when are we going to show these aliens what jokes and tricks we have up our sleeves, Ha ha ha ha ha ha" Savage and the rest of the Light roll their eyes in annoyance. "Joker, we will begin once the Justice League and the young heroes have drawn out the bigger fish, then we can deal with the smaller fry and reclaim the War World from him" Ultimus then gets up. Looking at his wrist, he then goes to head out the door. "I have a meeting with someone, I'll catch up once it's over" The others, knowing that Ultimus and his Crime League often act on their own agenda, just nod and look back over the rest of the Legion of Doom, the group waiting for their orders.

Ultimus enters a room, on one side, the Crime league stand and wait. On the other side, the Teen Titan's stand, in the center are four chairs and one table, on the side of the Titan's Nightwing and Starfire sit. On the other side Blackfire sits opposite her sister, with one chair left for Ultimus opposite Nightwing. Sitting down. Nightwing begins the meeting. "Let's talk"

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