Chapter 8

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Red Robin pov

The bodies were piled up and around the place. The Crime League really did a number on them. Each was killed in a different way, but most were had their head sliced off. I bent down to one and looked along the body. Male in build, short and skinny. But appears to have put up a fight. Looking over him again. I notice that there are 2 holes above his eyes. Trigon clearly hates them, but why. Looking around, I notice several other things among the bodies. Crystals, but none of them were the one that housed Trigon. Looking around, I stood up and walked over to Aqualad. "Anything" "Nothing, no hint, no lead, nothing" "We better head home then" Aqualad nodded in agreement. Things are not as they should be, villains turning against villains, the Legion of Doom made an announcement and Brother-Blood on it the other day. And he leads the Blood-Cult. Looking over the past, I regret some of the things that happened, but others probably regret the part they played in them too. Looking over at Cathy, I smile to which she smiles back.

Starfire pov

I dodged a Parademons attack before firing starbolts at it. Dodging another attack I landed on one from above next to Nightwing. Looking over, at Raven, she has been defended by Robin and Tigress were defending her while Kid Flash, Nightwing and I were taking down the most of them. But they just kept coming. "Nightwing, we need to pull back" Kid Flash ran up beside Nightwing before he spoke "Yeah dude, there are way too many to deal with at once" I saw as Nightwing narrowed his eyes before he then spoke. "Ok then, Starfire, give us something to work with" I nod and fly up before I let loose wave after wave of starbolts. Looking over my shoulder, I see the house of mystery and fly over, Nightwing was at the door. We enter and then vanish. "Well, never been a fan of having to pick up stranglers, but this couldn't be ignored now could it Damian" I walk over with Nightwing before he then speaks "We need to deal with this threat" Nodding in agreement I speak "I agree with Nightwing, this threat cannot go unnoticed, already have they attacked us in number" "Hmm, I see, I guess it's time to gather the heroes" Nightwing does not want to see them yet, or does he, he doesn't seem to be resisting. Or is he. "Ok, let's contact them and get this threat dealt with"

Ultimus pov

Trigon had ordered us back to the Legion of Doom's headquarters, and they weren't going to be happy to see us.

"Recognised Ultimus C01, Blackfire C02, Circe C03, Deadshot C04, Captain Boomerang C05, Reverse Flash C06, Black Adam C07, Talia Al Gul C08, Mammoth C09, Gizmo C10"

And I was correct. The Hive had their guns trained on us. It was then that I saw someone walk forward. No way, that did it, they actually found a way to control Doomsday. "The high Light wishes to speak with you all" "I guess this is over our actions with the Blood Cult" Doomsday nods and we follow him.

They were to say the least, displeased with our slaughter of the Blood Cult. "Ultimus, you and your Crime League have acted out of place and against our will, what do you say to defend yourself" The room starts to go dark as the image of a... no the image of Trigon forms before us. His back is facing us, but he is shadowy. The high Light have expressions of amazement before Brother-Blood speaks. "Lord Trigon, what brings you here" Trigon looks over at Blood and then, he speaks. "I have found your cult to be nothing but weak Blood, you should have stuck with the Hive, they had the power" He pauses and then looks over at Savage, all the while, my team and I are standing behind Trigon. "The Crime League answers to me now Vandal Savage, you may think yourself to be immortal, but you are far from it" Savage seems to not like this but then speaks "What do you want Trigon" "I want to be free, free of that cursed crystal, and to rule over the Earth" "And why do you want the Earth" "Because it is the centre of the universe, all life in the galaxy began here, if I control it, I control the universe, the multiverse and all within it" "We do not deal with your kind here Trigon" I move to fire at Ra's but Trigon lifts his hand, I stop and stand back. "You, a demon, spawn of my blood, from Hell, but what if I told you of another threat, one that right now seeks to keep me imprisoned, so that they can take over the universe" "Hmm, another threat, what other threat do you speak off" While I can't see Trigons face from behind, I can tell he's smirking. "The threat of Apocalypse of course, and that of Darkseid, one of the New Gods, what if I were to say that you get to rule over one of the other Earths of a different universe, one where you would be free to do as you please, one where the Justice League are the villains and you the heroes" "Your offer is compelling, but I still refuse" "You think you have a choice in the matter, if not, my evil shall process your bodies, leaving you all to do my bidding with out control, and all you can do is sit back and watch. So do I make myself clear" I can see the others now know why we chose to follow to Trigon, but we did to rule over Tameran and the systems around it. "Fine, but we will release you when the threat is closer then before" "I knew you'd see it my way in the end Savage, very well. When the threat is upon us all, you shall release me, but till then, do not betray me, I shall be watching" The shadow of Trigon vanishes into the air, leaving us all to think about our next move.

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