Chapter 5

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Batgirl pov

I woke up again in the med bay. It had been a few weeks since Nightwing was captured and no news had been heard, nor had any leads been found. I was starting to worry, he was my boyfriend after all, why would I not be worried. I know he would be fine, but today was the day I was to get out of this cursed room, I had enough of this room to the point that I was happy to be finally getting out of it. I got up and walked to the door, opening it, I walk into the command centre and Batman spots me, so do the rest of the team. "Batgirl, we have good and bad news" I walk over to them and look at the blank screen in front of us before I speak "Dare I ask what the news is" Batman pressed a button and then spoke "We know where Nightwing is, and then here is the bad news, we got this just a few minutes ago" The image of a figure appeared on the screen. He was clad in silver armour, behind him was an alien, Talia, Mammoth, Gizmo, Black Adam, Deadshot. that's odd, Captain Boomerang, Reverse Flash and Circe, Nightwing hadn't done much research on them as he hadn't faced them in combat before like I had. "Greetings Justice League and young heroes. I have before you, an offer, an offer that works only if I get my side of the deal as well. And what I shall be trading, is Nightwing" He motions for Mammoth to bring him in, and what I see is a bloody mess. Nightwing, my Rich is covered in blood, cuts and bruises. "Here's the deal, I will hand Nightwing over, if we are handed Koriander and the Joker is freed from prison. You have 48 hours to consider mu offer, when 48 hours is up, Nightwing dies. I hope you choose you wisely. Crime League out" "So, we have 48 hours to oblige to his request, we need to strike fast and swiftly" "Batman, we have other problems, the Blood Cult is after Nightwing as well and are attack Arkham, also, they seem to be tracking down the house of mystery" "That's where Koriander is with Robin and Raven, she was sent there by Dr Fate, I need some of you to come with me to Arkham, the rest of you, rescue Nightwing" "Understood, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, head with Batman to Arkham, the rest, we're head to rescue Nightwing"

"Recognised Batman J02, Aqualad B02, Superboy B04, Miss Martian B05, Tigress B07, Batgirl B16, Beast Boy B19, Red Robin B20, Wonder Girl B21, Blue Beetle B22, Supergirl B31, Cyborg B33"

Ultimus pov

They should come, only 47 hours and 32 minutes left till Richard dies. It seems that they may not make it, I would hope the do, it would be a shame, after all, I wasn't going to keep my end of the deal, I was going to hand Nightwing over to the Legion of Doom and Joker when he was free, but the Blood Cult wants Nightwing too, and they were going to have trouble anyway. How sad for them that they won't get him. "Boss, we have compony, it seems a group of the young heroes are on their way now, and the Outlaws appear to be at Arkham" "Good, with the Outlaws at Arkham, we can deal with the young heroes here, permanently, also, is Koriander with them" "No boss, but I got a clear shot at one of them, should I take it" "Yes, give them a shot, it will let them know we know their here" I turn and head to the roof with Nightwing and Kormander. It seems we shall be battling up here on the roof. I hear the group land behind me and turn to face them. "It was foolish to come here, the Crime League will wipe you out, so Superboy, let us have a game and see who wins, for if I win, I learn Superman's identity and where what he holds dear" "If I win" "If you win, Nightwing dies" I watch the expression on his face and then walk forward before commenting "Not so easy now is it, Kormander dear, watch over Nightwing shall you, I'm going to wipe out the so called Superboy" "Well, you appear to be a man in a suit, no powers" I laugh as I hover into the sky and speak "No powers, I didn't invent the Metagene injector for no reason, I can compete with Superman now, how do you think you'll handle, along with that, I've learned the ways of magic from Circe and Klarion, your hopelessly outmatched" "we'll see silver boy" "silver boy, I'm Ultimus, the leader of the Crime League, not Silver boy, I'll show you manners as I did Nightwing" I fire my wrist guns and then fire lasers from my helmet Before coming down and punching Superboy into the building next to us. I smile and then fly up before firing again. I hear something come towards me but stop when Black Adam flies up next to me. "Deal with Supergirl, I'll finish Superboy, Gizmo, deal with Cyborg, Reverse Flash, get Tigress out of here, Circe, handle Aqualad, Mammoth, get Wonder Girl, Deadshot, deal with Red Robin, Captain Boomerang, finish off Batgirl and Talia, deal with Miss Martian, Kormander, stay with Nightwing and kill him if I loose this fight" I fly over to the build and Superboy jumps up before landing on the building. "Super strength too huh, I got that too, along with a something a little extra" Bring it on Superbrat. I move to the side as Superboy jumps at me, knowing that he has something else, I decide to wait and see what it is before I it him again. He comes at me again and again. "I'm starting to get board of this Superbrat, give me that little something extra already" Superboy pauses mid jump, he was lying to me, he doesn't have something extra, now knowing this, I fly straight at him and pound him into the wall of the building. "That's enough, this ends now" I turn to see, Koriander flying above with, a house, the house of mystery, John Constantine, who else. I fly up and yell out "John Constantine, get your butt out here and pay hand back my dark magic spell book" "Or what, you'll burnt he house down" "You test my temper Constantine, and you know I don't like that" "Then you'll like what we've got" I turn to see Superboy standing next to Superman, Wonder Woman, Robin and Raven. "Oh, you have got to be kidding, I just gave Superboy the beating of his life, what do you think your going to do" "I don't know, but your outnumbered Kevin" I turn fast, Batman, Blue Beetle, Beastboy, two green lanterns and Nightwing is free, resting against Batgirl. The rest of my team are knocked out, apart from Kormander who hovers over next to me. I speak "Well, I say we have to run for another time" I cast a spell and the whole Crime League is taken away.

Batman pov

"He's gone somewhere, but we will find him, he will pay for his crimes" "He will, now we need to decide what to do with the rest of the Outlaws, excluding Red Hood, who was nowhere to be found" I finish speaking and turn around, before walking over to Nightwing. "How you holding up Nightwing" "I've seen worse" "Agreed, but for now let's get you to the watchtower and healed up"

"Recognised Superman J01, Batman J02, Wonder Woman J03 Green Lantern Hal Jorden, B05, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner B27, Nightwing B01, Aqualad B02, Superboy B04, Miss Martian B05, Tigress B07, Batgirl B16, Beast Boy B19, Red Robin B20, Wonder Girl B21, Blue Beetle B22, Robin B27, Raven B28, Koriander A22, Supergirl B31, Cyborg B33"

"Get Nightwing to the med bay, Kyle, I need to talk to you and Starfire in private with Aqualad" The three nodded and we made our way over to a meeting room. Closing the door, I sat down with the others following suite. "So, Kyle you wish to join the team" "I do Batman, It would be a nice break from being with you guys all the time, it would also give me a chance to get a break from the other lanterns, besides that, Cyborg needs a Green Lantern for his ring to be used to it's full potential" "Agreed, Starfire, I have been told by Damian and Raven that your skills would be useful on the team, would you consider joining" "I would love to, Dr Fate has said that I would be need for when Darkseid attacks and that I should be on the team" "Then it's settled, Aqualad, meet Kyle Rayner and Koriander. Both shall be your newest members and allies"

Nightwing pov

Time was starting to move faster, but there were still threats to be dealt with, one, the Crime League was still on the loose, two, Red Hood was out there, and three the Legion of Doom is a gang of new villains out there that wish to harm all in the world. Last, was the Blood Cult and their worship of Trigon and obsession of freeing him. We needed to track them down, but I have been confined to the medical bay of the Watchtower till things pass, as for now, I need to work out the best way to think and entertain myself while I'm here.

Third person pov

Ultimus enters a dark with Kormander, a table lines along the back and curves inwards. At each spot on the table is a leading member of the Legion of Doom and at the middle of the table, sits Vandal Savage, the leader and founder of the Light and the Legion of Doom. On his right are Queen Bee, the latest leader of the Hive and wife to Brother-Blood, Brother-Blood, the founder of the Hive and leader of the Blood Cult. The Brain. On his left is Lex Luthor, Black Manta and Deathstroke. Four spots are left open, one is owned by the Joker, another by Ra's Al Gul, the third is owned by Klarion, and the final spot, that has been left unoccupied. "Ultimus, step forward and into the light" "Yes, what do you want" "I hear the young heroes have discovered your operations and believe they have put a stop to it" "They have not discovered my operation sir, As we speak, Circe, Black Adam and Talia Al Gul are taking the crystal that holds Trigon imprisoned, with out the heroes knowing till it's too late" "Good, then soon we can be sure that Trigon remains in that crystal where he would then forever remain in the vaults of the Hall of Doom, isn't that right Brother-Blood" "Correct, I would not unleash him on the world, it is only a last resort if our ultimate plan fails and if Doomsday does not hold to our expectations" "Then we have only one other thing to say" "You have proven far more useful then Hugo Strange has. Welcome to the Leadership of the Legion of Doom, Ultimus, head of the Crime League" I take a seat with Kormander at my side before I whisper to her. "Look over the others, I may be awhile" She nods and flies out, leaving us in the room. "Let us begin with the next stage of the plan"

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