Chapter 16

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Third person pov

Nightwing, Red Hood, Batman, Aqualad and select members of their respective teams all stood in the command centre of the Watchtower. They were preparing to board to and attack Darkseid on his War World, the same War World that Vandal Savage had stolen under their protection and from the Reach. It was clear that Darkseid had betrayed Vandal Savage. "Alright, so we shall attack on three separate points, I shall take my team to engage Darkseid on the bridge, Nightwing shall lead his team to the key chamber and Aqualad and Red Hood shall take down the Engine reactor" With the three nodding in agreement, they all entered the Zeta tubes.

"Recognised J01 Superman, J02 Batman, J03 Wonder Woman, B03 Aqualad, B20 Red Robin, B21 Wonder Girl, B22 Blue Beetle, T01 Nightwing, T02 Starfire, T03 Raven, A22 Red Hood (Forgot his robin code for the B00)

The three groups moved down their separate tunnels. Each heading to their targets. Parademons each attempted to halt their progress along the way only for to be met with the same result each time. Soon The three teams each came to their target locations, only for one of Darkseid's generals to meet them there. Nightwing and his team arrived to see Stephenwolf waiting for them with his troop of Parademons, meanwhile, Kaliback was waiting for Aqualad and his team to arrive with his troop of Parademons while Darkseid waited for Batman and his team to arrive.

Nightwing and his team split fast to engage Stephenwolf. Nightwing moved and jumped over several Parademons while landing several hits upon them, Starfire and Raven flew over and among them, blasting them with their respective energy and magic based attacks. Stephenwolf himself focused his attack on Nightwing, he knew that even a human could be a danger and threat, he knew this because Batman had proven it. Even if he was a god, he was not foolish to underestimate even the smallest of a lifeform, after all, he knew what underestimating the smallest lifeform brings to him. Nightwing lands before him and then launches his first attack by unleashing a wave of Batarangs. Stephenwolf easily cleaves them apart with his axe and then proceeds to unleash a wave of energy. Nightwing jumps over and lands, his batons in hand, he charges forward and strikes. Stephenwolf moving back, moves to cleave his opponent in half only to be met with a wave of Starbolts from Starfire and a portal from Raven. Stephenwolf slips and falls into Ravens portal, finding himself in a hellish place, much unlike that of his homeworld. A demonic figure approaches him and speaks "I am Trigon the Terrible and you shall tremble with fear before me" Stephenwolf steps up, ready for a fight, only to be met with several fire demons swarming over him.

Nightwing removes the key from the key chamber and places it in Ravens care. Nightwing embraces Starfire in a hug. "I love you Starfire" "I love you too Nightwing" Batman calls in, Darkseid having been taken out, along with the engine reactor having been secured. With the mission complete and the threat of Darkseid having passed, it was time to deal with the Legion of Doom once and for all.

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