Chapter 2

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Nightwing pov

:October 8th: 8:35 EDT:

I walked back and fourth, Cyborg had quit the Outlaws and was now on his own out there. Red Hood wouldn't take kindly to the "betrayal" and would definitely go after him. I count off all those I know who had joined the Outlaws. Donna Troy, Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl definitely didn't take it lightly, Lagoon Boy, I wonder how Aquaman and Aqualad took it, Red Hood, We all knew he would twist someone's mind, but we didn't think it would be this many people, Red Arrow, Green Arrow must've been heart broken, Vigilante had left the League and could most likely be with the Outlaws, it seemed like his style. The friends that Static had before he joined the team, the Outcasts was it, I'm not sure, but they may have joined the Outlaws, Arsenal would, I'm sure of it, it's a possibility that they did, but I'm not sure they would, Static said there're not the type to kill. My only other problem was the fact that Robin and Raven haven't been heard from since they went missing in the mountains near Sydney. Sure Damian and Raven can take care of themselves, but with the Outlaws on the loose and the fact that we don't know where Vandal Savage is counts up to another thing. Batman had noticed an increase in boom tube activity, and not from just where Cyborg was traveling to and from. There were others traveling by boom tube, The next problem, well it wasn't really a problem, but the Blood cultists had revealed little, their bodies disintegrating whenever we asked them something that I would assume is important. But with that, Brother-Blood must have some sort of spell over them. The problem is the fact that many members of the Light have not bee captured or are missing baring Klarion and Vandal Savage who left with the War World several years ago. Aqualad still hadn't woken up, even with Batgirl, I and Miss Martian tending to him every day. My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Hal Jorden, the first Green Lantern from Earth. "Hal, what brings you here" Hal landed a few metres away before walking over. "Has the watchtower detected any surges of energy on Earth" I look over at the computer monitors and then back "No, the Watchtower hasn't detected any surges of energy apart form boom tubes and zeta activity from the teams, why, is something wrong" Hal looks at me and then his ring before he then replies "My ring detected a massive spike of Energy on Earth close to a boom tube opening, it was emotional energy" It clicked in my head, emotional energy, that's why the tower never detected it because the emotional energy was unique to the lantern rings and so far the source able to detect emotional energy was a lantern ring, it makes me glad we have four green lanterns on earth. "What type of emotional energy, Willpower, Love, Rage, Greed, Fear" "None of those, but Hope" Hope, who has plenty of hope on Earth, the person we least expect or the person we expect the most. Whoever it was, I hope we find them soon, or else things would could get ugly.

Cyborg pov

:Outlaws base:
:October 8th: 9:65 EDT:

I landed on the roof of Jason's base, using my new ring to cut a way inside. I then flew inside, straight down into where the rest of the Outlaws were standing. I could tell form the way they looked at that they were shocked to see me wearing a Blue Lantern corps ring. Red Hood was fast to get to his feet. "I heard you left us Cyborg" "I'm not interested in your lies Jason, I only come bearing a message before I find the team and join them, giving them some much need boost to their hope" I watched as Jason walked forward, he didn't seem interested in the message that I was about to give. "I hope you do reconsider you path Victor, you know what would happen if things when down hill and I had to kill you for working with the enemy" "Like you killed my father just because he was being forced against his will to aid those criminals you killed at Star Labs that night" I could tell Jason had just realised something, he had underestimated me and the team, my friends, Barbra, Richard, the others, he did underestimate them. "So what, he was aiding the enemy" "Yes, but you don't kill a person being forced to do something against their will. He was doing what he could to save his life, it's why I won't stand by you anymore Jason. I hope that this gives you lots to think about" With that said, I flew away. Jason's cries fell to death ears as the wind overcame them. My next destination was the Watchtower, boy were they going to be in for a surprise.

Damian pov

:Magic House:
:October 9th: 6:06 EDT:

I walked into the main living room, John and Raven were talking about keeping the crystal somewhere so that no one could get to it or release Trigon from his prison. As I walked over, I knew John was different, being a master in the dark magic and arts. But he was still a man on the inside. "So, have we decided on where to hide the crystal yet" Raven turned to face me, a small smile on her face, we always seemed to keep each other happy, even in the darkest of times or in the dire of circumstances. "No, we haven't but we think Wonder Woman may be able to help us" Wonder Woman and father seemed to be closer then I remembered, but then again, it may just be me and there only out doing League business. "I agree Raven, let's visit Wonder Woman" "And any Idea where she might be young Damian" I really didn't like it how John kept calling me young Damian, I'm not that young, but I'm also highly trained and dangerous, Richard knows this, it's why he doesn't anger me most of the time, Jason never knew this and Tim, he kept his distance, but he was dating an Amazon so he had the idea of what a warrior was like. But I, I was trained an assassin for 10 years, then when the Light turned out to be wanting many things under their control, I left. Father found me while searching for Raven with Wonder Woman. "I think I'll take the crystal to Themiscaria where it won't be touched by anyone" I nodded in agreement with what Raven had said, I was going to wait here while Raven quickly went to Themiscaria and back.

Raven pov

:October 9th: 7:09 EDT:

I walked out of the portal, and much to my displeasure, the Amazons had their weapons trained on me. I walked forward, the crystal in my hands. Some warriors stepped in my way and it was then that I spoke "I must see your Queen, it is important that I see her at once" The warriors look around and a voice speaks out, a voice I recognise as Wonder Woman. "Raven, what brings you to Themiscaria" "I must find a place to put this, it cannot be allowed to remain in my sight, I believe the Gods have what it takes to keep my father imprisoned in this crystal" Wonder Woman nodded and took it from my hands before she then turned and spoke to her warriors "Sisters, this rock must be defended at all costs, for if it is breached, would you care to explain what happens" I nod and hover up before I finish "If it is breached, My father, Trigon the destroyer will be free to destroy this plain of existence and turn it into a hellish world" Many warriors looked at one another after I had finished , Trigon was known for the destruction he brought, and was not one to underestimate like the Gods were. I turned and left back through the portal back to the magic house.

Alright, can someone please tell me what the name is of the house that John Constantine uses/lives in. Magic house is going drive me nuts and I cannot for the life of me, remember what it's called, I think it was the house of mystery or something like that.

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