Chapter 11

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Nightwing pov

The threat of Darkseid's impending attack was not one to take lightly, and the rest of the titans knew this as well as I did, I only hope that the others were prepared to throw their lives in the defense of the Earth. But currently, the villain Race Master was escaping downtown in his personal modified sports/race car with a bunch of stolen tech for his benefactors, whomever they are. My bets are on the Light, or Vandal savage, whichever is closet to who wants this tech. I take note of the smiley face and paint saying Ha Ha, it seems the Joker may be in on this too. I also notice that a symbol much like the one used by Lana, the tech expert, she may be the benefactor that Race Master is working for, but I may be wrong. Things were not going as planned though, first attack drones came in the way. While we made short work of the tank drones, the aerial drones proved to be a problem. Lana was definitely in on this. While the Light may now be the Legion of Doom, that hadn't stopped them from operating.

Race Master pov

As I speed along, I hoped this Ebon crystal was worth all the effort. Because if not, then I wouldn't be happy. "This better be worth it Ultimus, you know what it's like to carry a highly dangerous power source on you. One stray shot from the Titan's and half the city block goes up in flames" Ultimus has an odd love for Ebon crystals. Something which I may never get, but what ever it is, I will be the first to mention that this is suicide. "don't worry Race Master, it will all be worth it in the end, soon we will have the power to prepare to next stage of the operation, soon all will see what we are truly able to do" That didn't get my hopes up high either, but if he says it's worth it all, then so be it, I just don't want Batman to get involved even though it may be too late seeming as the Joker had to leave his mark at the scene.

Nightwing pov

Yep, this was proving to be a problem, knowing how much Ebon crystals are worth and how dangerous they are, it was paramount that we stopped Race Master. But I had to make a call to Gotham City, we had another problem, that of Joker, he had some how escaped prison. "What is it Nightwing?" Came through Batman's voice. Breathing as I continued pursuit "Batman, has the Joker made any attempts to attack Gotham lately?" I moved to the side as a blast from an aerial drone. "No, why do you ask?" Moving back and blasting the aerial drone out of the sky with my bikes weapon systems, I reply "Because the Joker has left his mark at a crime scene here in Jump City, and we need to know if he's in Arkham at the moment? Because if not, then we have a problem" I waited for Batman's response as I continued to doge Drone fire and continue pursuit of Race Master. "I'll check into Arkham right now Nightwing, I'll contact you if he's there or not" With the call over, I then look over to Damian and Raven and nod. "Ok Raven, let's do this" Watching as the two went down another street, I turned to Kid Flash and Tigress, now taking to calling herself Artimis again, the two nod and head down the next street. Starfire and I continue the pursuit behind Race Master. He has no idea what we're doing does he.

Race Master pov

Hmm, they've split up, I wonder why they've done that. I soon found out why. Raven and Robin came around the corner, soon followed by Kid Flash and Artimis. Coming to a stop, I then face Nightwing and Starfire behind me. Cornered, dammit. "Ultimus, if you want your Ebon Crystals, I'm going to need a teleport" "Sorry Race Master, but we have what we want, the Ebon Crystals are being teleported out now, good luck with the Titan's Race Master" The call ended and I yell out in rage.

Third person pov

Far across the galaxy, Darkseid sees the time to stage a full scale invasion of Earth is near, and that in the next few hours, he would attack.

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