2 - Lucky

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It was one of the rare day where Syo got a day off. He planned to spend his day together with you. BUT since it was weekday... Of course you couldn't do that.

You have to work. You were working as a designer for the shining agency but you also work at some company as their designer as well. And since it was tuesday, you have to work. Even though you actually want to spend time wih your beloved boyfriend but still you couldn't take a day off without any good reason..

"Syo.... Seriously.. Let me go.. I have to work you know.." You couldn't get up from the bed that you shared with him because he was hugging you around the waist and he wouldn't allow you to get out from bed.

"Noooo.. After all this time I finally got a day off.. Why do you have to work...???" He  asked you while rubbing his cheek on your stomach.

"Well it can't be helped right... Since it is weekday.." You answered him while trying to get off from the bed. But he pinned you down instead.

"Then make an excuse instead so you can take a day off." He suggested starring at you directly on the eyes. You blushed a little because of his gaze but you able to mantain your composure somehow.

"You know that I can't do that, don't you?" You quickly pecked him on the lips which caught him off guard and made him blushed. You managed to slip away from him because he was still taken aback from what you did.

But as we all know how stubborn he was, he wouldn't give up that easily. When you were opening the closet, he pulled you and trapped you on the wall ( kabedonnn (*>.<*) ) and kissed you passionately. Seems like a little peck wasn't enough for him. But he didn't stop there. His kisses trailed down to your neck and...

"S-SYO!! NOT HICKEYYSS!!" You stabbed him using your finger at some point that was hurt on his body and finally he let go. You checked your neck infront of the mirror and you saw hickeys that was visible.

"Oh great.. Now what should I doo!? Why did you do that Syooo!?" You panicked and trying to glare at him but pouting instead.

"What?? It's not that bad righttt... So people will know that you already have a boyfriend." He grinned. You blushed from what he just said and you didn't know if you should get mad at him or not.

"A-Anyway I'm still going to work.. I'll just cover this using a scarf.." You said as you grabbed a scarf from your closet. "Just be a good boy okay? If you want to go somewhere make sure to lock the door and message me.."

"Eeehhh?? Okay..." He answered while pouting. He looked so cute when he was pouting so you couldn't help it but kissed him one last time before you go out to work and said, "I-I'll make it up for you later okay so you don't have to be sad like that.."  Again, he didn't expect that so he got blushed a little. "Byee!! Love yaa!" You said quickly before shutting the door. It took him a while to realise what just happened. After he came back to his sense, he immediately grinned widely. "LOVE YOU TOOOO!!" You heard that immediately became a blushing mess...

"I'm really lucky to have a girlfriend like you.. (F/N).." 


D-done.. I managed to get this idea somehow... Sorry if it's short. Anyway, hope you guys like it! Please don't forget to comment and vote ヽ(´▽`)/

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