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"Nee Syo.." You called your bestfriend when you and him were enjoying the calm atmosphere near the pond like the usual day.

"Hm?" Answered him who was sitting across you while looking at the distance admiring the view.

"Why do you like to wear a hat?" You asked him.

"What's with the sudden question.." Now focusing on you and wearing a confused face.

"I don't know.. It just came into my mind.." You answered him.

"Huh? You don't know.." He gave you a deadpan face. "Well whatever.. Of course it because it is stylish... And... It makes me look taller.." He said the last part with a slower voice.

"Hm? Because it's stylish and??"

"I-It makes me look taller." Now he said it louder while looking to the other way to hide his small blush.

"Hee~~ Why?? I thought that it is quite cute when you were shorter..."

"B-Because it looks cooler if its that way. And I'm not cute!" He answered you back slightly irritated because he got called cute.

"Eeee... But it's truee..." You say while pouting. And that action of yours made his face redder then before.


"Jyaa!!Jyaa!! (then!then!) Why do you like pink?" This time you show more curiousty.

"It's not like I 'like' it.. I don't know.. Its just feels right.."

"Hm? I don't understand.." You wore a confused face and he enjoyed seeing it. "Then, if there were two hats, one with a pink one and one wasn't pink but cool.. Which one would you choose?"

"Of course the cool one!" He grinned.

"Hee~~" After that you continued to bombarded him with question. Syo was fine with it because he did enjoy talking with you and he also like to see your expression when he made you confused with his answers to your question. You had a childish personality after all so he really loved it when you make a cute reaction. Well, untill one question that you asked him.

"Last question! Do you have anyone you like right now?? And!And! Who is it??" You asked him excitedly while Syo became a blushing mess.

"Wha-!? Why so sudden!? And why should I tell you!?" He asked you half-yelling because of the embarrassment.

"Because why not?" You gave him your biggest smile.

"That's not an answer!!" His face became redder if possible after he saw your smile.

You only laughed and still waiting for his answes.

"We-well there iss... Actually..." He finally said quitely..

"And that is?"

"U-uhm.. S-she is quite often together with us, starish.. A-and she is a little bit childish.." Syo said while looking at somewhere else but you but still stealing a few glance to you.

"She is kind to everyone. She will help anyone who is in need. And she is always able to make me feels better whenever I am down. And the one that made me fall for her.. Is her smile." He continued while smiling.

'Hmm.. He must be really inlove with her.. The girl is so lucky.. Maybe Nanami?' You thought a little hurt since you liked the boy.

"A-And she has a (h/l)(h/c) hair.. And beautiful (e/c) eyes.." He added while hiding his face by lowering his hat. But you didn't quite heard it.

'Can anyone please tell me what kind of situation is this!? Wait.. Isn't this situation is like a confession!!?? Goddd heellpp meee!!' He panicked.

"Hee~~ what a lucky girl.." Yep. That's your answer. What a dense girl you are.

Syo looked at you with shock, his eyes wide open and his jaw hanging open. 'The hell this girll!!?? She hasn't realisde it!? God why is she so dense!!??'

"Aaaarrrgghh!!" You got surprised because Syo just suddenly shouted as he stood from where he was.

"Jeez! Why won't you understanddd!!??" Syo  yelled irritately to you. And you just got confused even more and that was visible on your face.

He couldn't hold it anymore so he walked to you with those irritated face resulting for you got scared a bit. After he was infront of you, he grabbed your chin and kissed your lips. Not roughly. But in a sweet and kind way. You shocked of course since you didn't understand what just happened. It's only a short kiss before Syo pulled back.

"Now do you understand!? It's you! How come you don't get it!?" And now his face was very red.

"R-Right.. B-Because I-I though that it is impossible for someone like you to be interested in someone like m-"

"Someone like you!? What do you mean by that!? You are perfect in many waysss!! Why do you think so little of yourself!? Argh why am I yelling nonstop!?" He got irritated until he shouted nonstop.

"O-okay.. C-calm down first okay Syo.. Inhale.. Exhale.." You said to him and he did as what you said. He finally calmed down and no one know what to say so there was only silent for awhile.

Syo finally decided to break the silence. "Okay. So let me make things clear. I'm only going to say it once so you better listen carefully."

"O-okay.." You gulped nervous.

"I've liked you ever since we were classmate at the academy. Actually I didn't realise it until I saw you were close with Ren. When I saw you were smiling and laughing with Ren, or when he was flirting with you like his usual to girls, I felt it. The pain in my chess. I know that I am selfish but I... I want you to show those bright smile of yours to me and me only. And I want to be the one who give you such affection."

At this point your face was already as red as a tomato or maybe more. Because you couldn't believe it. That Syo, that everyone admire, was having interest in you. Well you were his classmate during the academy which showed that you had the skill. But all this time you thought little of yourself. You felt that you weren't that special. Actually, you were also admired by many people. But because of your denseness, you didn't notice it at all.

"And now, I can't hold it anymore. I wsnt to hold you so badly, hug you so badly, kiss you so badly, everything! That's why.. (F/N)... Will you be my girlfriend?"

And now, your long time crush, where standing right infront of you, with a red face, confessing to you.

"B-but what about the rules?" You remembered.

"Screw those rules. I'll talk some sense to Saotome if he ever interfere." He answered you right away without doubt. You clasped your mouth because you wanted to cry from the overwhelming feelings of his. You still couldn't believe this was happening to you.

"So once again.. Please be my girlfriend.. (F/N).." He lowered himself until he was in the same level with your eyes and cupped your cheeks to wipe your tears from the corner of your eyes.

"Y-yes, gladly." You finally said it with your sweetest smile and Syo couldn't help but smiled as well.

He put his hat above your head and kissed you once again but this time with more passion. You instantly melted to his kiss.

Since then, that place, that day, has become a special day for the both of you.



Yeyy the third chapter done!! I finally ended the story. The truth is I was having a difficulty on how to end it 😂 but at least I managed to finish it.

Please don't forget to comment and vote guyss!! Until next time!! ヽ(´▽`)/

Kurusu Syo's Oneshots (Super Slow Update)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora