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Hi I'm alive lol

So yeah I know that I've mentioned this before that I intended to continue this book when I have the ideas and all and thankyou for those who gave me the ideas but I'm really sorry for not updating anything for... what, 1 year..? I'm really sorry :' And I'm really surprised when recently you guys voted and commented for this book even though I've basically abandoned it for 1 year so I kind of feel bad about it .-.

So I'm planning to try on keeping my words for continuing this book as it might be able to be my practice buddy for my story building skill that I've found out that it is usefull for my college and actually there is a draft that I haven't got the chance to continue it for this book. The thing is even though I'm still on college's holiday, which will end in 2 weeks, this book kind of forgotten by me because of my interest changes to another anime fandom and I got reminded again by now.

Well I haven't abandoned my interest on the utapri fandom because I do still play the game (the rhythm game) and I started to get active again on it lately with the event so and all. So what I'm trying to say is, and I know that I've said it before, please keep on supporting me and be patient with me as I'm gathering my thought and interest on continuing this and I'll try to update again as soon as possible.

(From now on, I'll be in your care)

P.S. Requests are still open!

Kurusu Syo's Oneshots (Super Slow Update)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ