10 - part 1

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Hello again people! ヽ(´▽`)/
It's been a long time I know but hey I'm back with a story!!
This time, I got the plot from LaurenFitzpatrick
Thankyou so much!! \(*T▽T*)/
Well it's not basically the same with the original plot that she gave to me so I'm sorry if it's not that satisfying and I'll improve myself more.
So again, please continue to support me people!!
This is 1st part by the way. I decided to make it 2 parts because it is too long.

Well then here goes!

-(D/P/N) = Despised Person's Name
-(B/N) = Brother's Name


It's just one of those regular day for (F/N). Waking up, preparing herself, eat, going to work.

"Aa, Ohayou [good morning] (F/N)-chan... Have a good day."

"Ohayou oba-san [aunty]... Thankyou. May you have a good day as well." (F/N) replied while smiling to her. She was one of her neighbor who owned a shop nearby which she passed by everytime she went to work.

One of the good points that she had was being nice to people. That's why many people knew her and friendly to her.

"Ah! It's (L/N)-san!"

"Whoa... She really is beautiful..."

"Should I greet her?? Should I greet her!?"

(F/N) who noticed the commotion turn to the source of the voices and, "Ohayou..." While smiling.

"O-ohayou..." They said back as well while being amazed.

No... She wasn't an idol or something that made people went crazy of her. She was a designer. It had always been her dream to become a famous designer. But well, the popularity that she was receiving right now wasn't because of her hardwork only though...

"S-she greeted us!!"

"Oh my god! She really is too nice!!"

"I can see why Kurusu Syo fell for her..."

"But it's too bad that they broke up..."

"I wonder why. They were a perfect match!"

That's the other of the reason why she became popular. She was Kurusu Syo's girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend actually. During their relationship, in almost every show he was in, he wore (F/N)'s designed clothes. Even starish wore them sometimes as well. He intended to help her so many people knew how amazing her design was which he succeded on doing it and resulting on her succesful carrier right now.

They even announced their relationship to the public. Surprisingly many people including Syo's fans supported them and wished for their happiness. But yeah of course, there was also a few of them who didn't like it.

Their relationship lasted for years already. But a few months ago, they suddenly announced that they broke up. Both side didn't say anything about the reason. They still continued to shut their mouth about it until now.

Of course (F/N) still loved him but because of some circumtances, she couldn't. And it was too bitter to talk about. But she decided to not minding it and continued to walk on her carrier while trying to move on. Again. Trying. But because of one event, it broke all of her resolve.

That day in the evening, a person came to her office.

"Excuse me, (L/N)-san there is a client who wanted to meet you." (F/N)'s assistant said as she opened her office door.

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