Chapter 12: A Different Kind of Meeting

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"Well good afternoon, or morning whichever, and welcome to chapter 12. From where we left off Terra, Vert, Rom and Ram were engaged with the leader of ASIC CFW Magic. Magic, a woman CPU-like in appearance, proved her strength easily dispatching of Terra and proving more than a match for Vert"

" Rom and Ram healed the badly injured Terra back up to tip-top shape. Terra voiced his praise to the twins who both became enveloped in a familiar light. The transformation to HDD mode. So picking up where the story left off, let's resume"

Everyone turned to Rom and Ram who were flashing blue and pink separately. Vert looked upon them  " looks like they too have triggered HDD. Hopefully this'll even the odds a bit" then the lights faded to reveal both girls changed

"Hey, Rom, Ram you achieved HDD" said Terra looking at them.

Both Rom and Ram wore what resembled a white children's bathing suit that comfortably fitted their whole torso the sides a bright pink. They both wore long white gloves, again pink on the side and knee high boot-like parts connected to the body suit by wide pink bands along the both sides of their thighs. The shoes themselves wore smooth and white expect the sole and part towards the toes being pink. They also had somewhat smallish diamond shaped wings, two on each side.

 The girl's hair had now become shorter with messier/more bangs and side parts with a very long strand/part of hair over their shoulders. Ram's strand hangs over her left shoulder while Rom's hangs over her right. Their only other differences were Rom's hair was an icy blue, her eyes a neon pink like Nepgear's HDD's hair colour, wwhile's Ram's hair was Neon pink and her eyes were blue.

Rom and Ram looked at each other and lit up with excitement "hey Rom, Rom look you did it"

"And you did it...too" said Rom "We've both transformed. Now we can fight" Both materialised long canes with blunt shafts at the top. Magic looked at the pair a bit perturbed

"The Lowee candidates have achieved their HDD states. They must have gained this power from the strong support of the boy. This is could get annoying"

Rom and Ram looked between each other and nodded "Are you ready Rom?" said a determined Ram

"Yes...I am" said Rom as she turned to Terra "Come on Mister Terra...we should work together"

 "I would say yes...but I doubt I'll last as long as last time" said Terra a bit quietly "She did beat me in one blow afterall"

"Then we'll give you a power boost" said Ram flying up to Terra pressing her forehead on his "I'll give my power to you, like you did Nepgear" Ram came away as Rom, although more shyly, did the same pressing on Terra's forehead

" strength too, Mister Terra" then as Rom came aware, Terra was suddenly enveloped in a bright green light

"Something...something's happening" said Terra and before he knew it the green power lifted him a little off the ground.

Terra's feet then touched ground, while his hair was now a little longer with many thick quills stuck up. And his hair had turned sea-foam green. As he opened his red eyes he then looked at himself in bewilderment "What the...what happened?"

"We gave you our power...Mister Terra" said Rom "like you did to Nepgear" Terra clenched his hands and flexed his body

"So do you feel any stronger?" said Ram "We did give you a bunch...we think"

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