With You, Or Without You

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Chapter One

           The bus halted to a stop, I grabbed my duffel bag and walked down the aisle, the driver opened the door for me and tipped his hat as I got off.  This is my new life now, where I'll spend my days, where I'll work, where I'll live.  That life I left back at home, is no more mine, that life has died.  My new life is now in Winona, Texas.

            Rain tapped on my head over and over again, my hair and shoulders became wet.  As the bus behind me drove off the rain quickly worked its way down my body till I was drenched.  I threw the duffel bag over my shoulder and began to walk along these small town roads, with no where to go.  No one to go to.  I guess this is going to be harder than I thought starting out would be.  Should have just went out to Nashville, everyone is trying to get somewhere there, and there's always that nice person who helps you get there- after you get mugged.  Well, first thing first, I've got to call my family.  Promised Mom I would as soon as I got somewhere.  Shielding my eyes I looked around for a pay phone.  Sure, now and days everyone has cell phones and no one needs a payphone anymore, But I don't have a cell phone.  Even back home I lived in a small town, didn't see the use of one when you could just walk or drive to the person you want to talk to, or just use the house phone.  Plus, I couldn't afford one.  

                I don't know where I'm going or where I've been, but if you're doing something right, it'll all work out in the end.  I must be doing something right so far because when I looked up there was a pay phone right outside a warm looking coffee shop.  I ran up to the phone while pulling 50 cents out of my pocket and put it into the money slot.  Picking up the phone I listened to it ring, waiting for someone to pick up.

               "Hello?" a kind, soft, motherly voice answered the phone.

               "Mom!" I could hardly hold the excitement from my voice, "it's Wyatt.  How are you?  How's Sara? Loretta, has she gotten any bigger?  It's been a long three days, I miss you girls like crazy!"

               "Hi baby boy, we're all good, miss you too.  Remember, if you want to come home I'll fly right out there and get you" I could tell she was trying to sound happy.

              "I know mom, it would have been helpful if you flew me out here..." instead of jumping in the back of trains, walking along the road with my thumb in the air everytime a car came close and paying for bus fee.  Would have been a lot easier.  

              She laughed, "Yeah right!  No way was I going to fly my baby boy all the way out to Texas from Connecticut.  I swear on your fathers grave I would never get rid of my children that fast and so far away from me"

              I couldn't help but smile, "I love and miss you too mom."  She sighed and it was silent for a moment, "I guess that means you have to go now, huh?" I didn't say anything back yet, "Yeah, I thought so, I love you too baby boy.  Call me when you can, eat something, sweet dreams".

              "Bye Mom," I hung up the phone and headed for the coffee shop.  I didn't realize how late it had gotten till she said good night.  Must have been about eight o'clock when I had gotten off the bus.  Soft country music was playing when I walked in.  The place was basically vacant, but I wasn't surprised.  Who drinks coffee at eight at night in a coffee shop?  The only people in was a waitress who looked to be in her mid 30's, a old man who looked like he was going to be heading off the work soon.  In the back of the room a little old lady sat talking to the waitress.  She looked toward the door where I was still standing, her bright red lips spread into a warm smile.  She waved toward the door.  Looking around I noticed no one was there but me.  I ignored her and sat down at the counter.  She called for me by the name of "hon".  I didn't turn around, she must be talking to the man.  Then I heard her grab her cain, scoot her chair back and take slow, steady steps over to me.

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