Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

                       I should have waited till closing to ask her, cause today was the longest most enjoyable day I've had in awhile.  I asked Melanie to go dancing with me.  Sure it was cheesy but; you ask a girl to have a drink with you when you want to see if you like them.  If you don't then you can just down your drink and tell them 'that was fun', all done.  If you do like them then you ask them to dinner cause dinner is for when you like someone and just want to get to know them.  When you know them then you take them dancing.  It feels like I've know her, for such a long time.  Not just a week but before I knew who I was.  She makes me feel whole when I'm with her.  Harvey was too perfect.  Too much perfection isn't a good thing.  She'd make my heart over flow and it would spill everywhere always ending in a mess and empty, the cycle would just repeat.  I'm not saying I love Melanie, just saying; one day I wouldn't mind loving her.

                       We had seven customers today, one for every hour.  It was a busy day, but went great.  Tomorrow is already booked. Once everybody in town gets their now broken cars fixed it'll die down a lot and we won't have to schedule people in, they could just walk in and wait till I was able to get to them. Melanie suggested a car wash and cleaning the inside of peoples cars to keep the money flowing during that time.  We made; $1,654 today.  We decided we'd split the money into thirds.  One third for me, a third for her and the last third for the shop.  Each of us taking $551 dollars home, I've never felt so rich.  If I keep making money like this everyday I'll be living in one of those big mansions you drive by in like Newport Rhode Island wondering how on earth they were able to afford a house like that on the water.  I could even buy my own house in a few months and not have to live off Miss Ally.  

                        Melanie tucked her wad of cash into her purse, slipped her purse onto her right shoulder and walked over to me smiling, "I'll see you tonight, seven, at the bar right?".

                        "I told you, I can pick you up..." It felt weird meeting a girl at a place for a date, I had always picked them up in my car.  I could have picked her up in Miss Ally's car if it was OK with her.  Then again, I've never had a date with in girl in a bar either.  Melanie had insisted it was the best place for a dance.  

                         "No no, it's fine, really.  See you at seven," she smiled and walked out of the shop.  She looked fantastic, and here I was wearing my best clothes that were covered in grease and oil.  Nothing seems to stay white in my wardrobe, always turns black.  Jim had said he had some Sunday clothes I could wear for church, to pick them up at any time.  I locked everything the garage door up and turned the lights off.  I pulled the coffee can I put in the drawer in the desk out.  I lifted up the red plastic lid and put the wad of cash for the shop into it.  Put it back into the bottom drawer and locked it up. Flicked the light switch down and all the lights in the waiting room went off.  I called it a good day and walked out of the building, locking it up and started on my way to Jim's house.  I hope he wouldn't get mad for me showing up unannounced.  As I got closer and closer the worse I thought of the idea.  It's a bar, not like it's Olive Garden and I have to dress up real nicely.  

                           I changed direction and just went back to Miss Ally's house.  When I walked in, she looked like she was ready to make a run for the shot gun that held above the fireplace and shoot me.  She had no idea who the stranger was walking into her house.

                          "Miss Ally!  It's Wyatt, I got a hair cut, remember?" I end up my hands in defence.  

                         She stopped moving towards the gun, "Oh Wyatt, you look so handsome!" she smiled and grabbed my face and started turning my head side to side to look at my hair cut.  

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