Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

                       By the time I was done I had twenty two cons and one pro.  I folded the paper twice then rolled it up and put the wedding ring around it.  Twenty two reasons why I should never give this to her and one reason why I should.  I stayed up all night making this list.  It's a good list.  Full of reason and facts.  This list can't fail me.  I hope. It can't.  I hope.

                        Before I left to go to Jim's I called home.  The phone rang, it rang again, two more times till I got voice mail.  "Hey mom...It's Wyatt.  This is the number of the house where I'm staying.  Call me back when you can" -I took a moment to go on- "I really miss you girls.  I love you, all of you.  I have so much to tell you." I hung up the phone and left.

                        I was on my way to Jim's house.  I need those church clothes he offered for tomorrow.  It was already noon, so hopefully I won't be interrupting anything.  It didn't take me long to get to his home.  It was a big house, about two stories high, made with bricks and black shutters.  The door was a white doubled door.  The lawn was huge too, you'd have to take the car to go get the mail. The grass is a perfect shade of green, like somebody colored it with a crayon.  I guess being a fireman makes the money in this town. I walked down the  driveway, that was too perfectly done.  I finally reached the door after ten minutes of walking down the driveway.  The door was huge, was about double the size of me, height and length.  It even had one of those old fashioned knocker things.  I moved it back and forth three times.  Then stood there awkwardly.  All the kids must fight during Halloween on who gets to knock.  The knocking thing is actually pretty cool.  One of the doors finally opened.  A little kid stood in the doorway.  I couldn't remember what their name was.  

                        "DADDY!!!  THERE'S SOMEBODY HERE!!!!" The kid had a lisp as he screamed for Jim. "Who are you?" The kid gave me a look.

                        "My names Wyatt.  I'm here to see your daddy" I said in my nice grown up kid voice that elementary teachers always use on their students.  My mom, being a sixth grade teacher uses that voice a lot.  Her baby voice she uses with Loretta, is even worse.  

                        Jim showed up behind the kid, when he did the kid left.  "I was wondering when you were going to come pick up the clothes" I noticed he was already holding them for me.  Must have seen me walking up the driveway.  He had enough time to get them.  He also looked like he was trying to get rid of me.

                        I took them from him, "Thank you so much." When was he going to invite me inside?

                       "Sorry Wyatt, but I was just heading out the door to go to work.  Good thing you caught me before I did or you'd be looking like a bum again tomorrow.  Oh, hey, did you cut your hair?  You look-"  I cut him off, "Younger." I rubbed my chin.  He nodded.  

                         He stepped out of his house and shut the door.  "Well, while I'm in the car to work, you need a ride anywhere?"

                        I could use a ride to the bar, it being so far away.  It looked like it was about to pour anyway.  I didn't feel like sitting on a bar stool soaked, that'd just bring me down. "Would you mind driving me to the bar?  Please."

                      "Yeah, sure kid.  You singing tonight?"  Word sure does travel fast in a small town.  

                    Ladies reading this, if you ever want to keep your man from cheating; move him to a small town.  He won't get away with anything.  

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