Chapter Eleven

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"This place is great" Lucas broke the long silence.

It had been quiet since they'd left the cabin, up through the trails until the sky was high in the sky. This was the first break that they didn't spend just staring at the trees. Aiden followed his eyes to the landscape spread out before them. "It's okay."

Lucas's lips twitched up. "Just 'okay'?"

"It's pretty" Aiden shrugged, "But I see the same view all summer."

"I don't just mean the view." Lucas took a swig out of his water bottle and stuffed it back into his bag. "You didn't mind, did you?" He asked quietly with his eyes fixed on the zips.

Aiden would have said yes, I do mind, back at the cabin. But here, outside, he felt okay again. Out here it felt like he was allowed to like how kissing Lucas made him feel. "I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all."

Lucas eyes flicked up and he smiled softly. "Good. Because I didn't mind either."

Aiden's skin flushed at his words. He didn't realise how much he needed to hear that the kiss had been okay for Lucas too, until Lucas said it, and a large ball of anxiety in his core loosened. "Ready to keep going?"

Lucas nodded.

It was nice after that. With the anxiety gone they could talk again. It was almost like one of their adventures like when they were kids, except with a new element added in.

They were sweaty and exhausted when they finally reached the peak point of the trail. The sun was high in the sky, beaming down on them with sharp rays.

"Can we eat in the shade?" Lucas gestured tiredly to the collection of trees overlooking a steep hill.

"Please." Aiden panted.

Lucas dug out a cloth and Aiden lay down as he took out sandwiches. Aiden recognised them as the pre-packed lunches he helped put together.

"No French toast?" Aiden asked, taking one at random.

"I'll make it for you when we get back." Lucas promised.

"You don't have to." Aiden said, but smiled anyway.

"I want to."

"I'll help." Aiden promised.

"They might turn out better if you don't."

Aiden narrowed his eyes at him, and Lucas snickered. "I'll find something for you to do."

Lucas finished his sandwiches and lay out next to Aiden. They talked. About Game of Thrones since they'd both seen it and Lucas had read the books, something that impressed Aiden immensely. They talked about Lord of the Rings, and the sound track they'd play make believe to as kids. Eragon came up, Aiden knew the movie and Lucas gave out about the books.

Somewhere in the middle their hands ended up together. Somewhere in middle Aiden realised he wanted to stay there until long after the sun went down. Somewhere in the middle Aiden realised why he'd been so anxious. He cared about Lucas. Without any of the new things, underneath his annoyance at the way his old friend behaved towards him – Aiden never stopped caring about him.

Lucas had never really been a stranger. How could you think of someone you grew up with as a stranger?


It was dark when they got back.

"I think I need a shower before dinner." Lucas pointed them towards their cabin.

"I think I'll join you."

Lucas stumbled over his feet and jerked his head around. He looked flustered by Aiden's remark. Aiden had noticed that. Lucas didn't seem to know how to respond to Aiden being forward with him.

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