Chapter Sixteen

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Mandy was pissed off. Aiden knew she wouldn't be happy, but the pursed lips and severe frown that were directed at him when he was brought into the kitchen was worse than he'd been expecting. This had happened a few times when he'd started working last summer. She'd discuss mistakes, tell you how to improve, and you improved until there were no more one-on-one talks needed.

"Do you have anything to say?" Mandy began.

"Everyone had a good time." Aiden held onto his elbows.

"I can see that. I can see that everyone is hungover, including you."

"They were hungover a few days ago." He pointed out quietly.

"I don't mind it here, where the only danger is an open fire, but out there? Safety comes first, and you should not have been drinking." She snapped. "You didn't have permission to go out either, and I won't have you breaking rules to impress your classmates. You're here to work, not hang out with your friends."

Aiden's heartbeat drummed loudly in his ears. "Yes boss."

"Go pack your things. Tom will drive you to the hospital."

"Should I-"

"Bring everything with you." Mandy turned around and started cutting raw chicken into small cubes.

Aiden left quietly, and on his way out of the cabin got a grimace of sympathy from Linda.

Aside from Lucas, the cabin was lifeless. Kal and Connor were hungover, while Evie was passed out on the couch. Aiden was joined by Lucas in his room as he packed.

"It doesn't look too bad." Lucas held his elbow and scrutinized his wrist. "Ice-pack worthy, definitely. But she's making you go to the hospital?"

"Employee safety and all." Aiden pulled away. Honestly, he agreed with Lucas. It didn't hurt anymore either. "Do you have any plans for the rest of the summer?"

"Get used to the new additions in my family" Lucas shrugged, "Football. Mom mentioned something about getting me working at one of the hotels she manages for."

"Connor's dad is a chef, isn't he?" Aiden asked, "maybe you could work with him?"

"That could be interesting." Lucas agreed, "What about you?"

Aiden placed his violin next to the box of music books and joined Lucas on the bed. "I'll hang out with Roma. Go over the interview songs. Babysit." He shrugged. "I don't have anything else planned."

"You'll be around for a few weeks then?" Lucas sounded pleased. "Want to come over for dinner? I'll cook for your dad and Lily too."

"Sure." Aiden agreed lightly. Since his talk with Mandy a lump had formed in his chest, and seemed to be growing thicker as the time for their departure ticked closer and closer. It was the same sickening sensation he'd felt with Lucas in the tent; as if wanting to kiss and touch the other boy was wrong.

Objectively, he knew it was okay. It was the twenty first century. People were gay. People were accepted. In fact, according to tv shows and movies, people who didn't accept that people were gay were the ones everyone hated. But for some reason, no amount of thinking made the fear in his chest abate.

"Are you okay?" Lucas held his hand.

"Fine." Aiden looked at Lucas. Lucas didn't seem bothered by anything like that. But, as Lucas had said himself, he'd dated girls even though he knew he was gay. If Lucas, popular, smart – occasional jerk-, Lucas felt the need to hide it, then what hope did Aiden have? "I'm just thinking."

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