Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats

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The room was hot from the body steam. Bodies entangled with each other, hair all matted and skin sleek with sweat. In the corner two more bodies collapsed onto the floor with the rest of them, both breathing heavy and fast.

The male ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair as he stood up and wandered over to the chair which was littered with all kinds of clothes, picking through them and throwing the ones onto the floor which he didn't need - bras, skirts, skimpy vest tops, fishnet tights and heeled boots.

"Hey baby...careful with all our stuff..." One of the girls he'd been with said - Lucky her name was - as she padded over and wrapped her arms round his waist, kissing his shoulder blade very gently.

"You're no longer required," he simply said, shrugging her off his shoulders.

Her arms dropped loosely back to her sides, "Maybe so - but you still look tense..."

"Fancy a round two darlin'?" another girl purred, standing up to join the first - closely followed by three other girls, all making a little clump in the center of the room where he could all view them with ease.

He turned and let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back which took all five of them by surprise, "Oh girls, girls, girls - you were all nothing more than toys that I could use to my benefits.... After all, that is what you get paid for." He sneered as he looked over their five naked bodies before turning back and pulling on his trousers, doing his belt up.

"Well that's rude," the second girl said, sounding more than a little hurt as she looked over his back muscles - secretly wanting another go with him, but she wouldn't let him or any of the other girls know that. She almost let out a whimper when he pulled his shirt back on so that she could no longer see his skin.

"Shut up you whore," he snarled, spinning back on his heel and slapping her hard across the face.

A cry left her lips as she fell into the tallest girls arms clutching her cheek, tears springing to her eyes. The rest all looked on in fear and horror, no one wanting to move or do anything that may provoke him further. But the one who'd just been slapped clearly wasn't thinking when she screamed and shoved him back, finally making a run for the door - only when she opened it she was greeted by a large man, with a rifle over his shoulder and a top hat balanced on his head and another dressed all in black with a black mask on, a small white heart occupying the forehead of it.

"Gilbecc, please bring that lady back in here. She needs to be taught some manners," the man said, brushing down his shirt from the very small crease that the girl had made in it.

She was brought back in by the man in the top hat and then thrown onto the small single bed that was pushed up against the wall. The second man just quietly closed the door and stood in front of it so no one could get out, in his arms he held a small wooden chestnut box.

"Now, ladies, your little friend here has been rather naughty. I mean, that was no way to treat a paying customer," as he spoke he walked over to the bed where the girl was now cowering up against the wall. "In this case she will be the one paying me - not the other way around."

"I-I have no m-money s-sir..." she whimpered, eyes growing wide.

He let out another laugh, "Oh no, I don't want your money, I want something else that isn't too valuable to you... Before we get onto that, do any of you lovely ladies actually know who I am?"

He was met with a series of shaking heads - the four girls who were left standing there backing away into a corner as they tried to keep as far away from the three men as they possibly could, but with little success.

"Well, you may have heard my name mentioned around the city here... I'm The Cardinal," he smirked.

Five screams run out as they all clapped their hands over their mouths, tears forming in their eyes. It was obvious they knew what was going to happen to them, or at least what he was going to do if he didn't go through with his first idea - but all of them wanted out.

The Cardinal turned and held his hand out to Gilbecc, who went into his coat pocket and withdrew a curved dagger, placing it in his master's hand. "Like I was saying - you're going to pay, but not in money."

"P-Please... I'll find y-you money - a-all the money I-I can, b-but please n-not t-this!" the girl on the bed wailed.

The Cardinal paid no attention to her pleas as he nodded at Gilbecc who put his weapon on the ground and pinned the girl to the bed by her arms. Even though she fought, The Cardinal climbed onto her waist and drove the blade straight into her chest and sliced downwards, straight over her heart. She screamed and screamed, but nothing that she was doing was putting The Cardinal off - a sick and twisted grin growing ever wider with every slash he was making into her chest.

Within moments she had passed out from the shock of everything and it would soon become clear that she would die from blood loss too - nothing her friends could do would make any bit of difference.

When the hole in her chest was big enough The Cardinal let out a long manic laugh before driving his hand into it. The girls eyes snapped open and she let out an ear piercing scream, but that only seemed to spur this mad man on as he kept moving his hand around until he came into contact with what he was looking for. With a triumphant screech he yanked her heart out her chest, bits of blood flying onto his shirt, the wall and the bed. Her eyes went wide for one last time before she just slumped back onto the bed, blood trickling out her mouth and highlighting how pale she had gone so quickly.

He clicked his fingers and Gilbecc rushed over, taking the box from the other man before crouching down beside The Cardinal, opening it up. From there, the heart was carefully placed inside it and it was closed over.

He turned round and looked at the remaining four girls, a more sympathetic smile coming over his face, "Don't worry ladies - she only suffered because of the way she acted and how she treated me. I mean, trying to leave? How rude of her to do something like that, wouldn't you all agree?"

The girls all nodded very fast, whimpering and shaking as tears streamed down their cheeks. None of them trusted themselves to speak - of fear that if they said something even the slightest bit wrong they would meet the same cruel fate that their friend did.

"Don't worry, this was just a small, simple gift that I'm delivering to The Prince. You all want to be included in this gift don't you? I know it will just mean the world to him," he smirked as he looked the four of their quivering bodies as they huddled back, trying not to look as exposed as they truly were.

"There's no need to worry - yours will all be a whole lot quicker."

And with that he let out an animalistic snarl and lunged at them.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now