1 - Five Drops Of Rainbow, Bliss Down My Throat

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I opened my eyes and shuffled around my bed in some kind of pathetic attempt to hide from the sun that was penetrating through the balcony windows. I was really glad that I'd gotten my own room back, but quite frankly the windows and sunlight side of it was kind of annoying...even though the curtains were there and ready to be shut whenever I wanted - that would mean moving, and I wasn't for that.

I squinted my eyes against the light and cast a quick glance around my room - clothes scattered unceremoniously across the floor and over several pieces of furniture, a small handful of weapons collected in the corner of the room and a few flyers of people still missing were pinned up above them. 

I turned so I could bury my face into the pillow, letting out a small groan, only to be greeted with a face full of red hair - and then I remembered what had went on last night which brought a smirk to my face. My arms looped round the smaller male's waist and started kissing on the bruise I'd left on his neck very gently. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction when he squeaked and woke up.

"That's a new way to wake up..." he mumbled, a smile appearing on his face.

"Well... With things calming down around here I can find many, many new ways to wake you up Mr Kemp."

"Well...either way I'll love waking up every morning to your lovely face - it'll just never get old," the smile grew wider on his face as he brushed a little bit of his fringe away from his eyes.

"Cheesy much," I mumbled, smiling just as much as he was now.

He giggled before his cheeks began turning the same colour as his hair and I felt his butt move against my crotch, "You have no boxers on, Bevers... Cheeky."

I chuckled, "But neither do you so I can say that you're equally as cheeky Kempy."

He rolled onto his back and I climbed up so I was hovering over him, smiles on our faces. Our lips connected and began to work against each others in perfect sync, both having got more accustomed to each others over the few months that Grandomina had been relatively peaceful once again.

His hands found their way to my hair and tangled them in it, balling them up in his fists and tugging slightly - which earned a groan to fall from my lips. My turn. I smirked against his lips as I pressed my hips to his and ground, causing him to let out a very quiet moan and then-


The two of us pulled away to see a red faced Drew standing there, his jaw almost bouncing off the ground by how low it was. I really don't know why he was so surprised - he did so much more than us.

His face almost immediately calmed down when he burst into fits of giggles, nearly toppling over his own legs onto the floor at the sight that was in front of him. I climbed back off of Kier and sat under the covers, pulling it over me and Kier's lower halves so they weren't too exposed - our chests we didn't mind, that was something he had seen before. A few seconds later Barrone came running in and stopped in the door, raising an eyebrow at the smaller Timid's laughing fit.

He looked up and a massive smirk spread over his face when he realised what his boyfriend was laughing at, a snigger escaping his lips. 

"What do you want?" Kier stuttered, a blush appearing over his cheeks.

Drew held up his hand telling us to wait as he laughed some more then waited until he could actually breathe once again before standing up straight and looking at us... However, as soon as he did the laughs returned and his face was now turning redder than Kier's from the laughing. Moments later Barrone joined in the laughing, no longer able to keep in his little sniggers and giggles.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now