6 - Perched On His Grave, A Cold Refuse Strewn Recluse Of Stone,

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I'd had this body guard for almost three days and I was getting pretty sick of him already. I don't even remember agreeing to having one! He never left me alone and made sure everything and anything that I was doing was safe and wouldn't cause me any kind of harm.

He wasn't really what I expected when I got him: black spiky hair, little crosses under his heavily lined eyes, a lot of necklaces and stringed chokers with various charms on each of them, a couple of wristbands on each arm and he always wore black. The black clothes were normally in the form of shirts with vest tops underneath them and always with his jeans and trainers.

He also wouldn't leave me alone when I was with Kier. Like now for instance - me and him were walking in the city, just as a way to get out together and go for some coffee and cake. And my body guard was walking behind us, humming as he did so.

We'd gotten my arm checked out once again just to see what was going on and been told that it was just dislocated, but thankfully the doctors that came were able to pull it back into place. The only instruction I was giving was that I wasn't to strain any muscles in it or do any heavy lifting without help. was good seeing as it wasn't broken so I didn't need everything done for me now, and it wasn't too bad for me, and for Kier when I think about it... Not that I would ever get a chance for anything right now with Crilly following me around.

"You do know I don't need a baby sitter, right Kier?" I finally said as we got into a little busier part of the city so I knew he wouldn't be able to hear us as well as he would like.

"He's your body guard Laurence - not a baby sitter," he chuckled quietly, nudging my side, "And anyways, I know you don't need one or that you agreed to one considering the state you were in... But I do have to agree with Luke because it would help when we can't be with you."

"But you're with me right now and he's still here," I pointed out, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Because we're outside and anyone could be out here - including The Cardinal and Gilbecc."

I knew he was right but I still didn't like it that much at all. I just wanted to get away from him and have some quality us time... but I guess that was too much to ask for right now. Kier must have guessed that even though he'd justified this I still wasn't happy so he squeezed my hand and stood on his tip toes, kissing my cheek gently. I gave a small smile back and wrapped one arm round his waist as we continued down the street.

I felt something on my lower back but I didn't think anything of it because of Kier's arm round it and just carried on walking but a few moments later I heard someone from behind shout my name and when I turned round I saw my baby sitter walk up to us, a kid held in his hands who was clutching something between his fists.

"He was pick pocketing, sir," he said, prying the kids fists open and handing back my black wallet which had been in my back pocket... And that explained the weird feeling moments before. He took the money out of the kids hands and passed it back to me but still kept a tight hold on his collar.

"Crilly let him go," I said calmly.

The spiky haired man seemed to have his doubts for a moment as he watched me, but after a little while he thought about this. He did eventually however drop the boy's collar and pushed him forward slightly, "At least apologise to The Prince."

"I'm sorry your majesty," he said timidly, looking down in shame at the ground.

"It's okay, " I said, crouching down slightly so that I could actually look into his eyes. Once I was sure that he was watching me and not the floor I reached into my wallet and withdrew a Grandomina note, putting it in his hands. "Go buy yourself something to eat and drink - and stay off the streets, okay?"

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now