17 - Leave Me Be If You'd Be So Kind

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A groan left my lips as I felt myself slowly coming to once again, my body aching all over from the beatings. I don't know when I passed out, but it couldn't have been all that long ago - I could feel the blood from the cut on my arm still dripping blood, but I didn't move to wipe it away. They couldn't know that I was awake, not again.

They'd told me that I'd been here for two days now, and since then the beatings and beltings had been near enough endless, them only ever stopping when they had to take a break or there was the changing of the guard. They only really did it till I passed out, then the moment my eyes opened again they were back. Which is why I refused to open my eyes, maybe I would be able to prolong this peace if I made it seem like I was still passed out.

Everything hurt, the pain coursing through and over my body.

If I'm honest I was sure that I should be dead considering the amount of times that my head had been bashed off the wall or my body thrown from side to side. I felt my fingers twitch but even that small movement caused me to wince and I let out a hiss in pain, but as soon as that sound left my lips that door was flung open and footsteps started coming towards me.

I knew I had a few moments to compose myself and make sure that I wasn't giving too much away seeing as I was lying on my side with my back to the door so I scrunched my eyes closed and tried to stay as still as I possibly could.

"Look at the little Princey... so broken, so alone," a voice said from behind me, snickering after his words.

"The Cardinal will be so pleased that he was found," the second said, closer than the first. I was sure that I knew the voice from somewhere, but nothing was clicking in my mind, however his voice did send chills through my spine that were hard to cover up and I knew then that I'd given everything away, "Ah, so he's awake then-"

Two hands grabbed me from behind and lifted my off the ground so that my toes were only just brushing the floor and I was confronted with Gilbecc who was grinning like mad - it was his voice that I'd heard.

"Your best friends on his way here, and he'll be so happy that you're awake to see him as well - it was very thoughtful of you that's for sure."

"Oh fuck off," I snarled, punching him in the gut.

He grunted then dropped me back to the floor, kicking me in the face and causing my whole body to crumple in a heap on the ground beside a large velvet like chest - one which I would rather not see the insides of again any time soon. I let out a wheeze in pain as I felt something starting to run down my nose, bringing my hand up to it I was met with a red liquid staining on my fingers.

"Behave for once in your life, and maybe nothing will happen to your precious friends... You wouldn't want to be the reason that they're all in pain, now would you?"

"You don't have then," I snarled back, looking up at his looming figure.

I was met with him throwing his head back and laughing, "And how would you know that? You've been trapped in here for two days - we could have killed at least two of them by now, maybe even them all."

"YOU LYING BASTARD!" I screeched, lunging from my feet and to Gilbecc but before I could make a grab at him, two pairs of hands grabbed me and pulled me back, keeping their hold tight so that I couldn't make a move against him again. All Gilbecc did was laugh and watch me, not even flinching once.

Rage was racing through me, just at the thought of any of them being near any of my friends and Kier  - that they'd laid their hands on any of them. I had to get out of their grip, just so I could smack that stupid smirk of his off of his face and make him pay once and for all. I would put him through everything that he'd put me through, and I probably wouldn't even bat an eyelid. He deserved everything that had happened to me, to my friends and Kier, and then some more on top of that. Both he and The Cardinal did. I was going to make sure that both of them got it.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now