8 - But Your Scent Will Induce, Exploding Heart Disorder

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His eyes fluttered open and he tried to move his hand to wipe the cold sweat that he could feel forming on his forehead away... Only his hand wouldn't move - neither of them would. He looked up to see his hands chained to the head board, wrists red lined and bleeding... From where he tugged too hard? He didn't know, couldn't remember a thing.

He had no idea where he was and when he raised his head and looked down he found my ankles also chained up and another chain going across his waist and round the other side of the bed. Safe to say he was very confused and he could feel his heart beating hard against his chest. He didn't get scared easily, so this was definitely a new feeling for him. The feeling of terror wasn't common.

The boy flopped back and closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down but they sprung back open when he felt something land on top of his stomach. His eyes went wide when he saw who it was and deep down he knew that this couldn't be right. There was no way in hell that he could be here right now.

The Cardinal.

He had a manic smile plastered on his face and before he could even open his mouth to ask what was going on, The Cardinal thrust his hands deep into the boys chest, immediately breaking through the skin and causing blood to spray out from the wound. Yet for some reason it didn't hurt and he sat there feeling nothing but numb creeping over him. He couldn't understand why nothing was being felt when it was clear that he was bleeding... Surely everyone should be able to feel something like this when it's happening to them?

His brow furrowed together in confusion as he watched The Cardinal rummage around his chest, more specks of blood going off in different directions but still-

He suddenly felt a pain in his chest - where he could only guess was where his heart was - and let out a scream, back arching off the bed slightly. He had never felt pain like this before so he wasn't even sure what it was. His heart beat picked up and he could feel it thumping against what was left of his chest, terror shooting through his whole body.

That is, until The Cardinal let out a high pitched laugh and the grin that was on his face spread as he pulled his heart straight from his chest. He watched with wide eyes for a moment - disbelief all over his face. He should be dead. No one can have someone dig around their chest and not feel a thing then suddenly have their heart ripped out and still be alive. It just wasn't possible.

"Am I immortal?" was the first thought that went through his head but that couldn't be true - there was no such thing.

Before he could say, do anything else or even question The Cardinal as to why he was doing this he let out another scream as The Cardinal bit into his heart.

The pain was excruciating as it swept through his body, not stopping at any one bit. The screans kept on coming as he continued to eat into my heart, laughing with every bite that he took. Tears poured down his cheeks as he started to thrash around on the bed, trying his best to get The Cardinal off and at least save himself some of the pain. He opened his mouth to let out another scream when lights danced across his vision. 

I jumped awake screaming, sitting bolt right up and banging my head against something which sent me falling back onto the bed. I groaned and lifted a hand to my forehead, rubbing at it in some ridiculous attempt to get rid of any pain that was going through my head.

"You idiots," I held someone chuckle and when I moved my hand away I saw Kier standing there with two cloths in his hands.

I frowned slightly at what he said and looked around, only to see Laurence lying on the floor, his hand up to his forehead as well. Oops.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now