20 - That This Town Will Keep Us Safe, I Say Believe That

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I groaned as I felt myself coming to, my body hurting all over. I wasn't too sure if my eyes were open or not considering how dark everything was, but it was just taking time for my eyes to adjust to the shapes around the room, a small bit of light coming through a small window confirmed that they were open and that I wasn't alone in the room.

Luke was chained up across from me on the smallest wall in the room, myself, Drew and Barrone were all chained up to one wall across from me, while Crilly, Falkor, Jim and Nico were on the other - the fourth wall being occupied by the door, which from here looked like it was bolted tight shut... So there really was no hope in getting out of here via that way whatsoever.

Nothing looked familiar, so at least I knew it wasn't a place I had been before this time, which put a little bit of a knockout of any plan I could have to try and get us all out of here.

Luke made a moan of pain, "Fuck that hurts..." His eyes slowly opened and he looked around as well, seeing that I was awake, "Any idea where we are?"

I shook my head, "No idea, the only window is that one up there, and that's too small for any of us to get through, except maybe Falkor or Drew... But we'd have to get out of these things first." As I spoke I tugged on the chains that were holding me to the wall, also alerting Luke that he was in the same place I was. He growled and tugged at them hard, trying to do anything and everything to get out before something bad happened.

He did that for a while, the others all waking up bit by bit during the time and doing the same thing that Luke was. Except me. I didn't see the point in it, they wouldn't put us in a room where we could just simply break the restraints and skip out of here, and they would have double checked them all countless times. We weren't getting out any time soon.

It continued on for quite a while, everyone tugging at what was holding them to the wall and the chains jangled and jingled against it, echoing round the room and making quite a lot of noise, but no one came from outside to check or anything, which only confirmed my suspicions that there wasn’t going to be anyway out because of how well everything had been tested in here. Fun.

Drew was the first to give up out of the group, sitting back against the wall and letting his bottom lip quiver but he refused to let any tears spill from his eyes. I felt the same as him to be honest, in both senses that I wanted to cry but didn’t want anyone to see it happening, so I knew what was going through his head.

 Eventually everyone stopped, more due to exhaustion than anything and everyone looked like they were ready to join Drew and all just have a good cry, not that anyone would - everyone trying to stay as strong as they could, for each other.

"How long do you think we've been out for?" Barrone said suddenly, his voice bouncing off of the stone walls.

I shook my head, "I don't know... A few hours maybe? A day?... There's no way to tell the time in here other than the sun... And that's kinda useless right now seeing as it's a way over there." I finished with a scowl as I looked at the streak of light at the opposite side of the room.

Barrone opened his mouth to speak again when the door was flung open and two large men stalked in, smirking evilly between themselves.

"Why god morning boys, we were scared that you would sleep through this day as well. Didn't mean to knock y'all out so hard," he laughed.

Barrone and I shared a look - we'd gotten here yesterday and had been here through the night... That was at least one of our questions answered about how long we'd been here for, but as for all the others that were swimming about our heads, we didn't know.

"Now, we're here to tell you all to get comfortable and make sure that nothing happens - meaning no trying to escape or kill anyone, that would be most unfortunate. On your part. The Cardinal wants to deal with you all personally and will be here as soon as he can, he's a little busy somewhere else dealing with people who can't follow orders. So, stay comfy and maybe even get to know those who're around you just that little bit better."

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now