9 - Gunfire Clatters Out, The Chill Urban Sprawl

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I woke up with a yawn, my body aching all over - mostly my head from where it had come into contact with Crilly's. Everything from yesterday came flooding back as I gave out a little sigh before rolling over slightly to try and pull the duvet round my body more so I didn't feel as cold, but with not much luck as someone else tugged on it. I groaned and opened my eyes, turning round to see my red haired boyfriend smiling at me.

"Took you long enough to wake up," he mumbled sleepily, letting out a small giggle.

"I was tired."

"I could tell," he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. I smiled into it and cupped his face to mine, feeling the smile on his lips. Before I could even think about it I found him pretty much jumping onto my lap and guiding my hands from his face to his hips and he deepened the kiss, resting both his hands on either side of my head. This is how I wanted everything to stay right now - nothing was allowed to change how we were any more, especially The Cardinal and his ridiculous behaviour. I could feel the smile on his face growing the more our lips and tongues moved in time with each other, it was just perfect.

As if it knew what was about to happen and more importantly to break the current mood, both our stomaches growled with hunger.

"Shut uuuppp," I whined like a child against Kier's lips but as I went in to continue the kiss he pulled back.

"C'mon Bevers, we both need some food right now." I raised my eyebrows and looked him over, feeling a cheeky smirk play across my face - if only he knew - but he seemed to catch on that I was thinking something dirty, "What?"

"As long as I can get you for dessert," I purred, sitting myself up and holding him close to my chest as I kissed along and down his neck teasingly light.

His breathing hitched a little but he gently punched my chest after a few moments of not knowing what to do, "You're too dirty for your own good, hope you know that." He smirked and climbed off me, walking over to the other side of our basement room and picking through the clothes that we left here to find something suitable for himself.

I chuckled and climbed off, doing the same as him, but as I walked in front of the door that led upstairs something caught my nose - the smell of food... But no one could cook that well or without anything burning to a crisp. Kier seemed to catch on to what I was thinking as he turned and looked at me with his eyebrows raised as he pulled a black t-shirt over his head, tossing me a shirt.

Once we were dressed the two of us made our way upstairs, following the smell of cooked food to the kitchen - and we both stopped in our tracks at the door.

"Uh, who are you?" Kier stuttered as he looked her over.

She turned round, her green eyes shining slightly, "My name's Rose, I'm-"

"Oh you're Luke's girlfriend," I said with a smile.

She blushed very dark at that, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, "W-Well... he hasn't asked me out yet."

"Well he'd be a fool not to," Kier chuckled as he walked further into the kitchen.

"I'm Laurence and this is Kier... I guess you'll meet everyone else when they wake up."

"I know who you are, Prince Laurence - who doesn't, right?" she gave out a small laugh and turned back to the oven and her cooking.

"Where did you even get all this food?" Kier asked as he peeked over her shoulder.

I followed after him and looked around seeing what he meant: in the pans were strips of bacon, sausages, eggs and beans... None of which we'd left when we'd left the house for the palace, which raised a few questions.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now