25 - Well It'll Do For Now So Don't You Be Distressed

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Screams were coming for all around - mostly from the women and children that were getting caught in the crossfire, many of the boys that we had just gotten out were all being slaughtered by the Heartatack without a second glance. Based on what we were told in that place it sent chills down my spine knowing that some of the Heartatack killing them might once have been their friends, brothers, but now were mindless killing machines that didn't care about anything. I still wasn't too sure how to tell people when the time came that they were probably fighting and killing children and boys that they knew, that they had grown up with and raised... I guess I would come to that when the time came. If I told any of them that now, they could die from resistance to fight back.

There wasn't any one place I could look at for too long before something else caught the corner of my eye and caused me to spin back round, or the blood would cause my stomach to turn slightly. Guns were going off from some people who were, thankfully, fighting on our side and getting the Heartatack before they could get too close with their swords and daggers.

The upside to us being on top of the stairs was that those that were swarming out in front couldn't really get us by surprise, we could see all the attacks that were coming. The only way for them to bring a surprise attack down on us was if they ran all the way round the houses - but even then we would see them as they did something like that. 

The Cardinal seemed set in his ways and kept making his way towards us, eyes dark with anger but also with the blood lust he'd obviously had for a very long time, but I knew if I was to fall into his hands once again that I wouldn't be making it out this time alive, that much I could near enough guarantee.

"What are we going to do?" Drew said, a small whimper escaping from his lips as he watched everything happen.

I don't think I really had the answer to what we could do, but even then I found myself saying the words, "We're gonna fight, and then kill that asshole."

"About God fricking time," Luke growled before diving into the crowds with a cheer and I couldn't help but let out a laugh, surprising those around me and myself as well.

But following Luke's lead everyone jumped into the crowds and started fighting off the Heartatack before they could do any more harm. Everyone except Kier and I - I grabbed him before he jumped off, but when he turned to look at me all I could see was confusion at why I'd stopped him.

"Don't die, okay?" I said quietly, looking into his eyes.

"Is that a command, Your Highness?" a weak smile played across his lips before he leaned in to kiss me lightly on the lips. It was a moment that I didn't want to end because when it did that would mean it could be the last time I got to kiss his lips. I'm not sure if the thought had crossed his mind but even then he kissed me harder for a few more seconds before slowly pulling back and tugging my bottom lip out. He looked up and his smile grew a little, raising his eyebrows as he waited for my answer to his question.

"You're God dam right it's a command," I whispered, resting my forehead against his.

"You should know by now, Bevers," he said, his voice picking up volume a little and he pulled away, raising his weapon, "Only commands in the bedroom."

He winked and lunged into the crowds and there was nothing left for me to do other than follow all my friends into the battle. A small smile spread over my face - even when facing death he didn't care, all he wanted to do was let me smile, even if it was only a small one and only for a little bit.

There was nothing left to do but to grip my sword and gun tightly in my hands and follow after all of my friends into the masses of people running around. I took down one of the bulkier Heartatack and knocked another couple into each other so that they all went stumbling back and landed in a heap on the floor. I looked up and raised my gun ready to shoot anyone that was approaching me, but everyone seemed caught up in their own battles.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now