27 - Then Let Me Leave This...

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The body of the Heartatack dropping in a heap on the ground, the head rolling off of it's shoulders and rolling off to the side. My sword dropped from my hands and I felt my knees buckle and give out, landing on the ground with a dull thud, pain shooting through my knee caps.

Everything hurt and there was something wet coming through my shirt and trousers - a quick glance down showed that there was a lot of red emerging. I whimpered quietly, trying my hardest to get my limbs to move, but they refused just because of the pain. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes shut, suddenly feeling my body get very heavy and I collapsed onto the ground, lying there in a heap beside the Heartatack's body.

Images floated through the black space in front of me - all my friends and everything that we'd gone through, battles, finding Laurence after ten years again... Kissing him... I wasn't sure if I was smiling or not, my whole body still feeling numb, nothing wanted to move. More images floated in my mind as I thought everything over, not focusing on one thing for too long before my mind focused on another point in our time. But those weren't everything, we all had so many more memories to have together, and I wasn't about to let this get in my way. Laurence would be waiting for me... So would the Timids, Luke, Crilly, Falkor, Jim and Nico... I couldn't let them down now. That's what I was trying to get to, that's what I was fighting for.

I let a small groan escape my lips as my eyes fluttered open, forcing myself to stay awake - no one knew where I was seeing as I had chased two Heartatack down here that were dragging boys away, and I couldn't let that happen. I had to get back to everyone, there was no way they were going to have all the fun without me.

Another groan escaped my lip as I pushed myself onto my feet and stood up, grabbing my sword on the way.

I had to get back to everyone, and there wasn't much time to lose. I started walking down the street, going the way that I hoped would lead me back to the centre of the town, blinking fast to try and keep my sight in focus and not let the world around me slip. After a minute or so of doing this things went back to normal and the world flooded back into view once again.

"You've ruined everything..." I heard a croaky voice say from behind me and I turned to see a familiar face stumbling down, gripping their sword.


"Everything's gone to shit - and you and your friends have to fucking pay," he growled, blood running down his face and he was clutching at his arm, blood also coming from there. He looked a complete wreck.

"You don't look so good, buddy - maybe you should just give up now while you have the chance," I joked, but he didn't see the funny side to what I was saying. But then again, considering the position he was in I couldn't really blame him... In a way.

He snarled and started stumbling forward as fast as he could, lifting his sword above his head. Even though I wasn't in the best of positions, I was still able to dodge a swing from someone who could just hold himself up and no more. But my dodge didn't deter him and he kept coming, trying to catch me off my guard as he swung his sword again and again. I hadn't even lifted mine once seeing as he never even got close enough for me to consider defending myself - as far as I could see I was fine from attack.

But it was my cockiness that seemed to get the better of me, as I kept dodging him with ease I didn't realise that I was doing it in a pattern and he could see what I was doing, striking me in the shoulder when I went to the other side, his blade following my movement.

I screamed out and clutched my shoulder, looking at him as I felt my face darken slightly, he just smirked back and yanked his sword from my shoulder as he went to plunge it into my stomach. I dropped down, eyes going wide as the blade skimmed over my face in a stream line. I landed hard on my back and rolled to the side as he slammed his sword into the ground, grabbing my own one from there and picking it up.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now