22 - When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats

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There was nothing I could do as I was dragged away from the room, Laurence being left on his own with to people who I would consider bloody insane. My struggles seemed totally useless against the two pulling me to whatever fate was awaiting me, they were freakishly strong, but it didn't help that they were almost twice my size – both up and across. One was bald and had tattoos covering his scalp, the other had a Heartatack mask on so I couldn't see his face.

They opened the doors to one of the cells and I was flung against the wall by the two large men, before they stepped in and slammed the door shut behind them. I slowly got to me feet as they whispered between themselves, not really wanting to find out what they were talking about.

"You're ours now Kemp, and there's nothing no one can do to stop it," the bald one of the pair said, stepping towards me before landing a punch across my jaw and laughing.

I toppled back, clutching my jaw in my hand and wincing as I tasted blood. I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, confirming where it was coming from and growled at the one who'd laid his hand on me.

"Did that hurt? Should I go and get your fucker of a boyfriend to come and kiss it better?"

"Don't you dare talk about my boyfriend and your king like that!" I screamed and charged at him, locking my hands round his throat and squeezing as I drove him back against the wall, but his reaction wasn't one that I expected to happen. He started laughing, despite his face changing colour from the lack of oxygen going through his body. I was confused but I didn't let it phase me and continued going until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and my grip loosened. From there he pushed me back so I fell onto the ground and the pain grew even more and I screamed again, but this time in pain.

I lifted myself up a little and turned my head so I could see what was doing the damage and saw a knife handle sticking out my shoulder, the blade already pressed all the way in. I frowned at it, looking up to see the Heartatack checking on his friend. I scolded myself for being so foolish and letting myself be so blinded as to forget that there was another person in here – one that wouldn't just stand by and let their prisoner kill their partner in all of this. It was a rookie mistake to make.

"Nice try for that, Kempy boy, however it didn't quite work in your favour."

He walked over and pulled me onto my feet, shoving me against the wall so my front was pressed against it. I struggled and squirmed against him, earning more chuckles and laughter but nothing was getting him to move from me.

I opened my mouth to question what the hell he was doing when I felt a tug from the blade in my shoulder, followed by him grumbling something under his breath. He pulled me away then shoved me onto the floor, holding me down while the Heartatack moved round to sit on the small of my back to hold me in place. Despite all this, I kept struggling and squirming around, there was no way that they were getting away with any of this easily.

Before I could make any other kind of move, the sole of his boot kicked out and caught the knife, causing me to scream out in pain and thrash around some more. He kept doing it, kicking and kicking at it – I wasn't too sure what he was trying to achieve until I felt the handle of the knife snap off, leaving the blade embedded in my shoulder.

"A constant and little reminder of us," he laughed and the Heartatack climbed off me, the two of them walking to the other side of the room as I shakily held myself up off the ground, a snarl rumbling in my throat.

They were going to pay for this. For everything.

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Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now