7 - I Swear I Feel You Near Me...

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News travelled fast around the palace and Grandomina, and when it was something about boys going missing it went round twice as fast. The news hadn't failed to reach my workshop either as it was Drew that had skipped in, carrying various old pieces of metal and bits of gears from old trains, and told me about what had happened in the hall between Laurence and some old guy.

That was a few hours ago, and since then nearly a quarter of all the guards had gone to stand around the outskirts of Grandomina where the people had last been seen and taken from their homes. Luke had gone along with them just to make sure they knew the stations that they were meant to stand at, what times their shifts finished and what to do in case they did see something happening. No one knew what actually was though. Drew had said something about Laurence having some kind of suspicion about what was going on, but The Prince had refused to share it with anyone and had rushed away to his room. That left a lot of questions hanging in the air but no one went after him.

Drew had left not long after handing in all my metal pieces and telling me the news, saying something to me about taking Kier out for a little bit of practice - of what he didn't say, but I had an idea it was to make sure that Kier could still steal things with ease. It was just something for him to do to keep his mind from worrying too much about Laurence. Drew just wanted to go out, even pleaded with me for a little but I denied, saying I wanted to stay in and work on some more weapons.

That's all I was doing - fixing and building guns with the scraps that were brought in. It was my me time, as Drew said, and it allowed me to just do things at my own pace and in my own time... And even though I did kind of miss my little shed back at the old house where everything was - being inside a warm palace with everything I needed without the thought of how I was going to pay for it made things that little better.

However right now I couldn't focus. I'd been dealing with the same piece of equipment for the last two hours and nothing was really getting done - I'd just been fiddling around, and if anything I'd made the damage even worse. Go me.

I threw the piece of metal to the side and stood up, grabbing my jacket off the back of my seat before walking out the room. I needed some air...some time just to clear my head and properly work out what I was meant to do with everything that was going around.

This whole thing sucked... People going missing, people trying to kill each other, girls hearts being cut out of their chest and sent to the palace... Not being able to spend some proper time with Drew. All of it just sucked. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and huffed a little at the thought, lowering my head so that I could watch my feet as the went along the stony floors. I wanted that midgets hugs the second he came back because I needed them, and I needed to spend more time with him before I went completely insane in here.

I sighed and looked up just as I turned the corner to see that I'd almost walked right into Laurence and Crilly.

I opened my mouth to say hi and took a step forward to give him a hug, but before either of those things could happen Crilly stepped out in front of Laurence in a protective stance. "Don't come too close now, Sir." was all that he said.

I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw Laurence's shoulders sag and his eyes roll - we all knew how much he didn't like having a body guard hanging around him all the time, even though it was rather funny watching how he reacted. Though I didn't see what the big deal was - there was nothing wrong with Crilly or the way that he acted, "Don't worry about me, I'm a close friend of Laurence's." I gave him a little shrug and went to walk round the spiky haired man, only to have him step in front of me once again.

"I said, don't come too close. Sir."

I frowned a little, "And I said that he's my friend so I can if I want."

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now