14 - And Tear The World Apart...

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I woke with a yawn and a face full of red hair. He was awake and was playing thoughtfully around with my fingers - like Barrone had done the night before with Drew - and humming quietly to no one in particular. He didn't seem to notice that I had wakened as well as he carried on with everything, resting his head back on the pillow - looking up and seeing that I was now awake. Kier smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Sleep well?"

I nodded and rubbed at my eyes, "Better than I expected to if I'm honest... what about you?"

He simply shrugged, "I was okay for a few of hours until I woke up about an hour or so ago... I'll be fine for the day though."

I nodded, happy that he'd even managed more than one for once and the two of us wriggled out of each others grips, untangling our legs and giggling a little at how awkward the process was for us. I stood up and stretched out my aching limbs, hearing my back crack a little and I sighed in relief as my eyes scanned the room to see who was awake and who wasn't. Rose, Barrone and Luke were all gone but Drew was still sleeping soundly in his bed, the odd mumble or snore coming from his direction. There was a pile of fresh clothes lying at the side for us all - including a few things for Rose which I could only assume had been found in a drawer in one of the unused bedrooms.

As I thought of the only girl in our little group, the door opened and in she walked, wrapped up in a towel and then a few moments later Luke followed suite... In just a towel. They both smiled at the two of us and went about picking out the clothes that would fit them and suited them - but neither mentioning what they had just walked in with on.

I looked down at Kier who just smirked back at me - clearly thinking the exact same thing that I was and I let out a small chuckle which seemed to catch Luke's attention as he glared at the pair of us, his cheeks flaring up ever so slightly.

When Rose left with her clothes to get changed, Luke turned to us, "There's two showers you dirty minded buggers."

And with that the two of us broke into fits of laughter, causing Luke's face to darken even more. We both knew that Luke was more than likely telling the truth - but it was rather brilliant to see him getting so wound up about it and getting as red faced too.

Our laughs woke the small Timid up as he sat up with a groan, rubbing at his eyes, "What's everyone laughing at?" he asked sleepily.

"Luke and Rose just walked in - both soaking wet and only in towels," Kier said with a smirk. Once he'd finished speaking, Luke grabbed a pillow and smacked him over the head with it multiple times,.

"There's more than one shower here!" With every word another blow to Kier's face was given with the pillow, but it didn't seem to stop his laughter - and Drew joined in as well. Luke was now going almost as red as Kier's hair, so he quickly grabbed the clothes that he'd picked out and ran from the room to get changed in order to avoid further embarrassment from us all.

Drew hopped from the bed and ran from the room, shouting, "I'm having a shower before you two!"

Barrone must have heard him because as soon as Drew was gone from the room we saw him run after the small man and the two went into the same shower room, giggling between them. Kier just rolled his eyes and started picking out the clothes that he wanted, laying some to the side that he knew I would want.

I thought over the ideas that had been going through my mind all through the night - the plan was still to set off  as early as we could once everyone was ready to avoid getting into any trouble on the way, or to avoid the people who came into the woods around mid day for trade routes or just to mug people at any and every chance that they could get.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now