The Case

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OK. So this isnt exactly a One shot. Its more of a short story that is longer Then my usual oneshots ;-;
So there is no ships ((unless you wanna imagine it ;) ))

Idk. I just legitimately wanted to make sam chocking somebody dont judge me. I just wrote it and it went from there.

I tried to put..a message behind it? Maybe? Like a meaning. To make the story deeper..?

Anyways Enjoy? (Prob not) and don't judge me ;-; this was original a yaoi book plz dont burn my sinned soul.

Sam growled, While Taurtis Played with His Hands nervously. "L-Look i am Sorry! I didn't mean to lose it!"

"Taurtis. This Entire thing Depended on that Case!"

"I-I know that.."

"If We don't get it to them By tomorrow Their going to Kill Us!!"

Taurtis Looked down.

"Were You Even trying to Keep It Safe??"

Sam Growled When He Didn't Respond. He Shoved the boy Against the wall, Holding Him By His Neck, and pressing his weight against it.

Taurtis Choked, The Tears Escaping From his Eyes, While he tried to pull sam away.


"You sure their not going to find us...?" Taurtis questioned in a quiet voice. He Was Wearing a Hoodie, it was pulled over his head, mostly to Hide the Marks On his Neck.

"No. Well. We wouldn't have to worry about That if SOMEBODY was paying attention, would we?" Sam Responded Harshly, Pulling Taurtis into the School.

The smaller boy looked off to the side.

"Just be quiet about it. If you can even do that right."

Taurtis felt his eyes soaking,  but he tried to blink it away.

Sam Felt somebody tap his shoulder, he spun around Quickly to see Grian. Who stepped back abit.

"Hey. You guys haven't been home.."

Sam Sighed relieved. "Yeah... We've been,- staying At J's!" He Lied.

Grian looked at Him confused, "but..I've hung out with J all week.."

Sam's breath cought in his throat, much like his lie did.

"H-He meant His other house.." Taurtis Spoke up, Though it technically wasn't speaking up because he was super quiet.

Grian Glanced over at him, "you okay?"

Taurtis Panicked Slightly. Stepping back and Nodding.

Grian stepped towards him, "what happened to your neck?"

Taurtis Blushed lightly, Grabbing at his Neck. Sam Sent a Hard stare in his Direction.  "I-I um...I Fell.." He Glanced down.

Grian looked at him confused, "okay.. Why did you guys leave without me though.."

"It was..a last minute vacation!" Sam pronounced. staring Grian dead in the eyes, trying to Enforce his Tales.

"Next time bring me." Grian stated, pulling them with him to Class.

The moment they got there everybody was already gone.

Grian opened his phone, checking the Time.

Sam Blinked supised, when he Saw something blow Just past his vision.
Then turning to Taurtis Who Shouted, grabbing His Arm, and falling back onto the others from the blow.

YHS/TS/Grian/Taurtis/ OneShot'sWhere stories live. Discover now