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Hello everyone! Yes, I am fully aware that I still owe you all some answers but trust me, my studies have me soooo busy and also you all took your sweet time in sending your questions but I ain't complaining, at least you guys sent them in! (I still love y'all)

I am not going to keep you waiting for very long now. Here we go!

Q: Why choose a diary?

Ans : I thought a long time about how this challenge should be presented and as we all know, the challenges weren't something you can act upon (they were not physical work) and the main point was to pour yourself out and as a person who also keeps a diary I thought that the best way to do that was through a diary. Because to me, it's just the best way, to write something down and never have an answer, never hear a judgement, it's just you sharing and expressing yourself. So that is why I chose a diary, hope it makes sense!

Q : I have a feeling that Veronica is somewhat based on a true person? Am I right?

Ans : No, she isn't based on a true person. Some aspects of her life or her experiences may or may not have been taken from a few people I know, but for the most part, no.

Q : What was the hardest part to write?

Ans : There were definitely some chapters where I literally got stuck because they were completely off topic. This book has, without a doubt, really tested my abilities. For me, the epilogue was the hardest to write because with the last part I had wrapped up nothing and I had to wrap up literally every single piece of her story in one chapter and I also had to be very careful so that I didn't reveal before hand that she wasn't married to Brandon. So the epilogue was definitely the hardest and took the longest time. The prologue was pretty hard too, I actually deleted a whole written draft and re-wrote the prologue because I was not satisfied.

Q : How did you decide the title?

Ans : I originally came up with a rather shitty title but then my friend who helps me in alll of my writing problems was like "That is the worst title ever" and it really was, lol. Then I came up with "Unhinged" and we both seemed to agree with it. When I started writing, on my instinct, I started the first chapter with "Dear Diary" and I thought about changing the title (the book was not published by then) and I asked my friend again that if she saw two different books with those titles, which would she pick and she said "Dear Diary", like I know it's very common but I thought this was more appealing, so I picked this.

Q : What led to you deciding to write this story?

Ans : When I finished writing "Old Love Dies Hard" I just really missed creating a story and writing so I thought long and hard about a story idea and with the influence of a lot of books I had previously read, I came up with the idea of "Dear Diary". The challenge I used is a mixture of all of the best challenges I could find on Tumblr. So yeah, the idea didn't just come up naturally lol, I had to think a lot before I could actually put it into black and white.

Q : Did Veronica heal from Travis's loss by getting something better with Brandon?

Ans : No, I don't think she did. Her relationship with Travis can never be compared to that with Brandon and vice versa. I think both of them had a very special and a very distinct place in her heart. As we saw from chapter 19 (where she thinks it's Travis sitting in front of her while it's actually Brandon)  she clearly never got over Travis and I don't think she ever will. Even though she loved Brandon a lot, he will never be a match for Travis.

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