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Snow. Most of my favorite days were on days were when it snowed and rained. Although I wasn't a fan of being in the snow. It was just pretty and fascinating to me.

I watched the snow fall from my dormitory window, leaning against the indoor framing. My roommate, Jeanine walked in.

"Hey so I know how you play the bass and there was this poster and this band NEEDS a bassist and I thought you should try out!" She squealed and showed me the picture she had on her phone. I skimmed through the text.

"Jeanine, they're all the way in L.A and we're here in London, England," I stated blandly. "They're all the way in America."

"Well.." Jeanine paused, "Isn't this something you've always wanted?"

"It is but its too far, what if they don't pick me?"

"Round trip ticket." She stated, "Y/n you need to do this. It's something you've wanted. You could live the dream!" She squealed again. I let out a long sigh, pondering.

"I would only want to come if you came with me." I said to her, "I don't wanna visit another part of the world without my best friend" I laughed. Jeanine smiled.


We bought tickets and packed over the next few days, it was the Christmas break thank god.

We arrived at the airport.

"I'm excited." Jeanine said.

"Why?" I asked her

"Because I've never been out of London before, Y/n!" she said excitedly.

"Neither have I but you don't see me jumping around like a fucking psychopath." I laughed, she punched me in the arm.

"Let's just get on our flight." She grumbled.

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