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On to the next show. We're playing two shows in Missouri, it's great. All the fans that the boys have met seem nice. No one really cares about the bassist honestly, it's more about Sebastian, Remington, and Emerson. While we were on the bus, I was lying in my bunk watching Youtube when I felt someone's entire weight roll on top of me. I jumped slightly and only saw it was Rem. He smiled softly at me.

"You scared me," I said softly, looking at him. He pouted playfully.

"I'm sorry."

He curled up against me, his arm around my stomach, his head in my hair resting on my neck. He was sweet like this. Then, I felt him tickle me.


We got to the venue and did the sound check, I was getting ready afterward. I didn't really feel like putting much effort into my outfit so I'm wearing a black bralette and some black, high waisted shorts. 

I threw my hair in a sloppy bun and did some eyeliner and called it good. 


It was the same thing after this show, we waited at the merch bench, chatted, Sebastian brought me another drink, Remington posted a picture of us kissing. Everything was fine. Well... it was.

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