Chapter 3: Meeting Moved

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The morning sounds like the parking of a big truck and his parents opening the front door.  Jihun bolts up in bed and immediatly regrets the movement.  He gasps for air as he stands up against the pain and takes the stairs 2 at a time to see the front door wide open.  He slips on his shoes and walks out to see his father talking with the driver who is exiting the moving truck parked outside of his house. 

"We cancelled.  I even have an email confirming the cancelation fee going through."  His father says as he thumbs through his phone.  "I know it is in here."

"You should have also gotten an email letting you know you have been refunded.  I don't know what to tell you sir but we have a long list of people to get to today.  I'd like to do my job."  The driver says.  Jihun's mother who has been watching from the gate turns back towards the house with a sigh and her eyes widen when she sees Jihun in the doorway.  Her jaw sets and she points to the truck.  Jihun nods and she sighs even harder shaking her head.  She turns back to her husband.

"Let them work honey.  Obviously, we've lost this argument."  She says pulling on his arm.  His father turns and meets Jihun's eye.  Jihun shrinks under his gaze, guilt settling in the pit of his stomach.  His father glances as his phone screen again.

"Ah, you're right.  I see the email with the refund alert.  So sorry for the trouble.  Let me show you where the boxes are."  His father says.  He leads the movers inside and Jihun moves out of the way to let them pass. The driver tips his cap at Jihun as he passes.  Jihun looks back at his mother to see that she is observing him as if she has found something new and interesting.  She meets his eye and then walks over to him.

"Well, I guess we better get up there and help as best we can.  If you hurt yourself anymore, or strain yourself, you can take yourself to the hospital, Mr. Independant."  She says sternly before a small smile appears on her face.  She hurries inside and Jihun follows behind feeling a bit lighter as the guilt slides off of him.  They supported his decision even though he went behind their back.  He takes a moment to thank the universe for being born to his parents and takes the stairs up two at a time only to get in the way of one of the movers taking down his mattress.  He moves to the other side of the hallway to give him space to take it down the stairs.  Once the mover is out of the way Jihun walks into his room and works on taking the smaller and lighter boxes downstairs.  He takes two the first time down and the mover situating the mattress tells him where to start the stack.  Jihun decides to take them down one at a time after that due to having to take a long break doubled over to catch his breath and let the pain dissapaite to something managable. 

Halfway through the first hour his father is called to the office to get some extra work together but they manage. It takes a little over an hour to get all of Jihun's belongings packed into the truck, including a few extra boxes his mother had been packing for him all week with household supplies.

"Alright that's everything.  We've got one free seat in the truck if anyone wants to ride with us."  The driver of the moving truck says after they close up the back.  Jihun and his mother share a look.

"He'll go with you."  She gives Jihun a small hug.  "Text me if you guys need help, or let me know when you're all moved in."  She says.  He hugs her back and nods after they pull away.  The other mover helps him climb up into the middle seat from the passenger side.  Finally sitting Jihun can hold his sides and breath away the pain.  The driver clicks on a preprogramed address in his GPS.

"This is the right address right kid?"  He asks.  Jihun looks at the screen and nods.  "Alright here we go."  He moves the truck into gear and starts the navigation.  It takes them about 15 minutes to arrive at the apartments just on the outskirts of the city.  Jihun's father had gotten him a good deal on a ground level space which would definitly come in handy to move everything in.  Jihun exits quickly spurred by his excitement and walks over to the landlord's door which is also on the first floor.  They open the door and smile when they see him.

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