Chapter 13: Together

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They eventually make it to the kitchen and Seungjun warms up some toast and two hot mugs of tea for both of them.  Jihun lounges on a kitchen chair and checks his phone while Seungjun cooks.  

I'm heading over to
see your friend. Do
you need me to pick
you up on the way?

Offer rescinded. I'm 
already at the hospital.
Let me know if you need
help getting here.

Answer back. We also 
really need to talk about
your construction job.  
Your uncle needs you 
back as soon as you can.
but I need to look you over
before I approve.

Seungjun places a steaming mug of tea in front of Jihun and leans against the counter and sips his own tea as he waits for the toast to finish.

"Is it your mom?" He asks.  Jihun nods and sends his mom a reply.

We should be there soon.
I can work the night
shift if he really needs me.

He hits send and locks his phone before putting it down far away from him.  He takes a scalding sip of his tea while his mind drifts back to work.  Would he be ok if he jumped into work? Maybe.  Did he want to?  No, he wanted to be there for Seungjun and Heejun.  Did he need to?  Yes the rent would be due soon.  He sighs into his mug and then takes another sip.  He flinches as it touches his lips, just then noticing how hot it is. 

Seungjun places two plates of warm buttered toast in front of them and sits on the other chair across from Jihun.  His smile is gentle and his eyes seem to study Jihun as he thinks.  Jihun meets his eye a few times in the middle of his worries about work but doesn't seem to register Seungjun's staring.  Seungjun quietly finishes his tea and leaves Jihun to his thoughts as he tries to decipher what they could be from his expressions.  

As he continues to watch he notices Jihun's lips quiver as if he is talking silently to himself but the movement is too fast or Seungjun to pick out any words he could be saying.  Seungjun starts munching on his toast and the sound knocks Jihun out of his thoughts.  He meets Seungjun's eye and turns red before looking away and grabbing a slice of his own toast.  He takes a big bite and munches away for a moment before getting the courage to meet Seungjun's now amused gaze.  He cocks an eyebrow up.  Seungjun swallows the toast in his mouth.

"I was wondering what you were thinking about."  He says.  Jihun purses his lips and unlocks his phone.  He opens his message thread with his mother and he slides the phone to Seungjun.  Seungjun raises an eyebrow at him and looks down at the part of the conversation he can see.  He smiles at the screen as he reads.

"Awe, she's so sweet.  Now I can see why Heejunnie wants to steal her from you."  Jihun's eyebrows come together in reaction to something in Seungjun's sentence. He takes his phone back and opens notes to quickly type down his question.

Do I get a cute nickname like Seungjunnie and Heejunnie?

Despite his quickly spreading blush he turns the screen to Seungjun so he can read it.  Seungjun's smile grows into a teasing grin and he reaches out and messes up Jihun's hair.

"How does boyfriend sound?" Seungjun says as his hand leaves the destruction site of Jihun's hair and rests around Jihun's hand that is still holding up his phone between them.  Jihun drops his phone into his other hand so he can type his answer.  Seungjun uses the opportunity to fully grasp his fingers around Jihun's hand.  He pulls it to his lips and brushes a series of light, distracting kisses over each knuckle.

I like the sound of that but it's a bit long for a nickname. 

Jihun manages to type out and show the screen to Seungjun.  Seungjun lowers their hands to rest on the table.  

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