Chapter 16: Dawn

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When Jihun reaches the door to Seungjun and Heejun's apartment the world of the apartment building is still and quiet and it is nearly quarter to 4.  He yawns as he reaches into his bag to pull out the key.  He feels a small sense of satisfaction as the key easily slides in and turns.  He smirks at the uptake in his heart rate as he turns the knob and slowly swings the door open.  

He takes in a small quick intake of breath and covers his wide grin with the back of his hand to keep from giggling at the sight before him.  There, just out of reach of the door, was a Seungjun sized blob of blanket complete with a spool if his dark hair poking out if the opening at the top.

Jihun quietly closes and locks the door behind him and slips off his shoes. He sets his bag down next to them as quietly as he can. He crouches in front of Seungjun and tries to lightly uncover his face from the blanket.  Seungjun shifts in his sleep and leans into the wall at his side. Jihun bites his bottom lip as he hears an incoherent mumble from within the blanket.  His tongue sweeps across his lips and he leans in to where he guesses Seungjun's ear is.  His stomach clenches tightly as he parts his lips.

"Honey, wake up."  He whispers into Seungjun's ear.  Seungjun groans as he slowly moves the blanket away from his face and blinks the sleep out of his eyes to focus on Jihun.  It takes a moment but his eyes focus and then widen.  Jihun smiles wider and mouths the word, Hi. 

Seungjun's arms fling out and wrap around Jihun's neck pulling him down.  Jihun lets him pull him all the way to the ground and as Seungjun pulls him even tighter to his side he wraps his leg around Jihun fully engulfing him in the large comforter.  Jihun feels Seungjun place his lips on the top of his head and they linger there for a moment.  

"Welcome home, Cake."  Seungjun whispers into the quiet room. As he speaks his hand flows down Jihun's body to lightly pinch his butt.  Jihun flinches away from his hand and bumps into Seungjun making them both laugh.  His arms are trapped between their chests and his head is resting in the crook of Seungjun's neck. 

"How was work?" Seungjun murmurs when his sleepy laughter dies down.  Jihun's mind is taken through flashes of his tiring monotonous day and angry cousin.  Instead of fishing for his phone to answer Seungjun's sleepy question he traces the line of his nose slowly from Seungjun's collarbone to his ear where he presses a light kiss.  Seungjun's hand goes to Jihun's head and he starts running his fingers lightly through Jihun's hair.

"Was it tiring?" Seungjun continues asking.  Jihun smiles feeling his heart swell at Seungjun wanting to ask about him even when he is so tired.  He trails light kisses back down to Seungjun's collarbone and Seungjun's hand on his hair stills and Jihun feels Seungjun's heart begin to beat faster underneath him. 

Spurred on he trails his lips back up and across Seungjun's jawline until he finally reaches his lips. Seungjun slows the kiss down and presses lightly on Jihun's head to keep him there as he tilts his head to bring them closer.  As their lips meet again and again Jihun is able to free his hands and wrap them around Seungjun to support his head as he continues the slow movements of his lips on Jihun's.  

Seungjun's hands begin to slowly move.  First stroking up and down the middle line of Jihun's back with the tips of his fingers causing electric goosebumps to pop up all over Jihun's skin.  Then he rubs his hands more firmly on Jihun's sides.  The sensation is in between a tickle and something Jihun isn't even sure how to describe to himself.  He breathing hastens as he both wiggles his torso away from Seungjun's journeying hands and into them not sure what feels better. 

Seungjun's hands still just above Jihun's hips and he break the kiss for a moment to slow his own breathing down.  He gives a small breathless chuckle.

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