Chapter 15: Reminisce

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Jihun wishes the car ride back to his apartment would be silent but as soon as his mother turns onto the street from the parking lot the interrogation begins. 

"He's not playing around with you is he?" Is the first question to pop free of the many she had swimming around in her mind since she first saw the way her son entered the hospital room this morning. The softening around the corners of his eyes and the relaxed set of his jaw to compliment the ever-present smile that kept twisting his lips throughout the day. She knew something had to have happened. 

Jihun shakes his head back and forth quickly until he sees her glace his way.

"How do you know?" He sighs and throws his hands in the air. Who would play around with a mute person like me? His thoughts are seething. 

"Oh, come on. It's a valid question. They have been to our house. I'm sure they've concluded that we have money." Jihun gives his mother a wide eyed look. She glances over and looks back at the road while letting out a huff of a breath.

"I'm sorry. My momma bear mode is on high alert." She apologizes and doesn't say anything for a few blocks. They have crossed halfway through the city already.  Jihun hesitates for a moment waiting for more before relaxing in his seat and propping his chin on his hand to stare out the window. His mind is just beginning to embarrassingly conjure his last moment alone with Seungjun in the hospital when his mother opens her mouth again.

"Does he make you happy?" She asks next.  Jihun's thoughts scatter to the many moments he has already shared with Seungjun and the laughter and smiles that had been brought into his life.  He nods once. His mother catches it as well as the gentle expression he didn't know his face held whenever his thoughts turned to Seungjun.  

"I'm glad about that.  I guess he does seem very caring and kind.  I thought that he had a thing for Heejun but as long as he doesn't and he's completely into you I think it's time we had a certain talk." She concludes.  Jihun whips his head around to look at her.  She meets his eye for a moment. 

"I will ask you father to talk with you too, don't worry. I know we never really talked to you about those sort of things because you didn't really have anyone outside of the family until now. But now that you have someone special I'm sure there are going to be certain things that you want to try doing.  And it's not shameful but we need to go over how to be safe about it.  Especially since you'll be experiencing these things with another man." She begins to lead into 'the talk'.  Jihun covers his face with his hands and peeks up as they roll to a stop at a stop sign.  He quickly unlocks the doors and hops out of the car.  

"Jihun!  Get back here!" His mother yells sounding a bit panicked.  He shakes his head and begins walking. They had passed the city limits and were only a mile away from his apartment.  His mother follows slowly behind in her car as he walks the rest of the way.  Once he reaches his door he pulls out his key to unlock it as she parks.  He walks in and shuts the door behind himself.  Just after he takes his shoes off and starts walking to the kitchen she opens the front door and walks in with a huff. 

"Jihun, I cannot believe you just did that." She begins lecturing as she slips her shoes off.  Jihun makes it to the kitchen and begins throwing food together to make himself a work lunch.  I can't believe you just did that too, he thinks to himself.  She reaches the kitchen and he decides he has enough food put together and he walks past her to his closet.  She clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth and sighs.  He passes her again on his way to the bathroom and slams the door shut behind him.  He quickly changes and then splashes some water on his face.  When he opens the door she is standing just outside with her foot tapping against the floor and her arms crossed in front of her chest.  Jihun sighs and bows his head for a moment in apology.  She relaxes the angry set of her eyebrows.

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